Why only one?


Here's a question for ya's, obviously inspired by the NERO society thread.

For those of you who have played for more than a year, and have only played one character with any regularity... why do you only play that character?
Well, for one thing, it took me three years to get Johnathan's costume to the state it is now. Making another character would mean me having to go out and design a new costume and buying materials with money that should be better spent elsewhere.

Also, I have a horrible time splitting my attention between two things. To me, playing two very different and very active characters in Nero would be like playing chess with myself: I as the player know what each side wants to accomplish, but I cant necessarily seperate myself from that knowledge sometimes, so the possibility to metagame against myself could very well occur. Im not saying I would, but the possibility still remains.

Finally, I just never really felt the need to play another character. Im pretty happy with the one character I got for now, and will play him till he's dead in the ground or my sanity cant take it anymore.
Because I get enough of people playfully smacking me and giving me the "Dude, you need to be Solomon this weekend! I got stuffs!" when I NPC, let alone if I tried to play someone entirely different.

2 reasons. the 1st being focus. I am not good at focus so playing just on charicter keeps me on track.
2nd being I have been EVERYTHING over the years in larps and sitdowns,tabletops,minitues, online, play by mail and play by e-mail, ect. I mean even now, I play Kauss, and a few major NPCs in my gamedays, and on an online game, and NPCs for any other game I run. For nero, at this time, kauss fits that nitch. If I want to be someone else, I have almost endless games to be it in.
*nods* I find it hard to play a secondary (even if she does rock my socks) because of how much money I've put into my crazy bird-lady.

The problem with characters and turnover in LARPing, I've found, is that the money and effort required to actually get anywhere causes a very deep attachment to form. When the character finally bites it, you're left with boxes of stuff that suddenly have no home and a lot of memories. I mean, look at poor Duckie and how he's handled Aldric dying for a good example of this.
Solomon Maxondaerth said:
Because I get enough of people playfully smacking me and giving me the "Dude, you need to be Solomon this weekend! I got stuffs!" when I NPC, let alone if I tried to play someone entirely different.


*I* think you should play your secondary.
1- I am a plot member- so I play a ton of different parts in the game.
2- I enjoy playing my character. His is fun for me to play, and I have never really had a desire to play my secondary. He's on the books, but the concept fell apart.
Technically, Ashe IS my secondary character. I originally played the very first Mystic Wood Elf, and played him for a few years too i guess. Then I started Ashe because i wanted to play a good character. Ashe has proven to be a very fun and unexpected road. And having played him for a few years (ahem) he's gained a lot of character depth, managed to do a thing or two which i beleive technically has affected play in every Nero chapter that there is, and he's the one i'm really attached to these days. In the end I think that's the deciding factor for folks - at least for me - it's the character and the bond and the attachment you have to the character.

cause i don't wanna play another character.


I play only one because I have a lot of RP rapped up in him. I have plots going on with both PCs and NPCs. If I don't play him then his goals aren't necessarily met.

I do plan on play a secondary, though. Perhaps at the Oregon event.
Because every time a NERO weekend comes up I look forward to playing Shikar.

I tried NPCing for a while. I missed playing Shikar.
I helped run plot for a while. I missed playing Shikar.
I made a secondary and played him once or twice. I missed playing Shikar.

I find a lot of things to get involved in. I'm never bored with the character because the character has infinite possibilities.
I only play one character because I love my character. I dont think it would be as fun to have a secondary at this time...I dunno. I guess I havent really thought about that.
*Shrugs* I could care less what I play, as long as i Play. You know?

I have it in me to play up to 50 characters at once. Hence why I like to play flaming obnoxious characters. However, If i were allowed to play 10 differant characters a weekend, I would totally do it. I mean sometimes you get tired of playing the same old person day in and day out. If I want to start speaking in an accent, then let me play a gypsy! If I want to go running around in furs to destroy the undead, so be it. If I want to play the sneak Sarr from across the vale, I could have fun.

It matters little to me. What does matter is if I get to roleplay or not. Im a strong believer that through roleplay, you can acomplish anything. I used to love combat, but now, its all about the roleplay. And what better way to experiance many differant types of roleplay then to be more characters?

*shrugs* Just me.