Will there be merchants around?


Chicago Staff
Will this Merchants Row I hear about be at our establishment in a weeks time? I have heard of wondrous wares and certainly am in the mood to buy.

Same with anything edible or drinkable.

Lord of Horizon…which was blown up by a Volcano.
Dearest Asher,

While I cannot speak to the total attendance of the Merchant's Row, I can assure you that they will be around market in some capacity. The purveyors of Merchant's Row have always had a presence at every market I have made it to.

Eli Ursar
Greetings Lord Asher,

I am pleased that you have heard of our association! Some of our usual Merchants might not be able to cross the mists this coming Market in Rathfall, but at least a handful of us, myself included, will make the journey to the Mistweaver's Encampment and be able to set up simple stalls to serve where and what we can. From what I have heard, the camp established by the Rathfallian mages is adequately and efficiently outfitted to support a fair number of spirits and will have space for us to set up shoppes, but being a rather frugal and utilitarian group, they have left the furnishing of amenities to us.

Rathfall, like Kaida Sanu, is a realm of many hardships, what with the Blight that plagues much of their land masses, and the few resources their peoples are able to meagerly scrounge from the earth that yet yields. We have taken it upon ourselves to bring what comforts we can to them from the more fruitful Worlds of Prademar and Gavaria, to give them hope of what their own homeworld may yet become.

We will have a better sense of who will be able to come early next week, and we will do what we can to make sure your visit to Rathfall is comfortable and a delight despite the harsh challenges their people face in their daily existence.

May Life illumine you,
Housemother Adlao- HM