Will you attempt to be more respectful and nice and make these forums less a painful place to be?

Will you join me in being more respectful and less combative on these forums?

  • Total voters


So. There's been discussions that these forums have become toxic and are driving away players, thus rendering these forums less useful a place to be.

I, for one, am extremely passionate about this game. I expect most (if not all) of the folks who actively participate on these forums are as well.

People I trust have told me that I come off harsh when it's not intended for me to be. My bad. I want these rules to be fun for me, but I don't help accomplish that goal by being a jerk.

With this "poll," I am promising to try to edit myself to be more respectful and less dismissive of the thoughts and feelings of others. In the event that I forget that promise, by all means, direct me here and remind me of it. I will edit my comment accordingly.
I will join you in this brave endeavor. :) and promise to proof read 3 or 4 times, not just twice . Maybe I'll add more emotes as visual cues to others..? My resting B- face seems to seep into typed words...oops :p
I honestly don't think there's that much actual combative posting going on. There are a number of people passionate about what they are writing, but a lot of the 'combative' air is, I think, being read in. We could all stand to take a deep breath and remember that text doesn't convey tone well, and what may read as hostile is likely someone trying to lay out what they're experiencing in a persuasive manner and just not coming across well.

We all clearly have strong opinions about the game, or we wouldn't be in this forum. We can't all agree on everything, but I think we can all cut each other a little slack when interpreting posts. :)
I honestly don't think there's that much actual combative posting going on. There are a number of people passionate about what they are writing, but a lot of the 'combative' air is, I think, being read in. We could all stand to take a deep breath and remember that text doesn't convey tone well, and what may read as hostile is likely someone trying to lay out what they're experiencing in a persuasive manner and just not coming across well.

We all clearly have strong opinions about the game, or we wouldn't be in this forum. We can't all agree on everything, but I think we can all cut each other a little slack when interpreting posts. :)

I didn't believe so, either, but just today I've seen no less than three folks that I trust indicate an increased toxicity on the forums via Facebook. I want the forums to be a place with the majority of our players feel safe to participate, and I know we'll probably never see those days. But I'd like to at least work on that reputation. I need to be the change I want to see in others, so...in a sense, this post is just me trying to call myself out.

If other folks want to help me transform our reputation, awesome. I don't expect this post will get a bunch of support. And if it does, great. If it doesn't, well, at least I'm trying to change myself, right? :)
Maybe I'll add more emotes as visual cues to others..?

A previous manager called this "tactical emoticon usage". He wasn't wrong. :) <-- Bam.
A previous manager called this "tactical emoticon usage". He wasn't wrong. :) <-- Bam.

As someone who knows you IRL, imagining that smile on your face creeps me the heck out....
I never seek to belittle anyone here, in fact I come to the table with the thought, "I could be very wrong in my opinions." Coming to the table with that attitude means that I'm less likely to ignore positions contrary to my own.
If I start appearing to be combative, derisive, dismissive, or otherwise unpleasant, please call me out on it.

If I'm in your front yard, playing 'Fight Music' on a boombox, I'm calling you out on it. :)
It isn't being easy.