Winter can change a man


As my travels have taken me around I have come to see my faults and want to make a change in my actions and how I deal with others. I will show my restraint from now on with the childish games I had loved to play. I will now pursue a more serious side of life. Please feel free to take some time to believe me as I will be showing you I do mean what I say.
I have plenty of work to be done this coming year and would like your help. You are all great and will keep enjoying adventuring with you.

The Brotherhood

As a matter of curiousity, what was wrong with your "childish games?"

It is easy to admit fault, but considerably more difficult to find a lesson in failure. My concern is that you may not have identified why those games resulted in strife. Additionally, you have said that you value complete freedom from "laws of the land". Has this changed?

-Joseph Smith
Many people are too serious in their adventurous gains and I have always enjoyed a bit more. Even as a stone elf I didn't see see the same as other stone elves did. But I do value freedom and also rules of law. I just think a balance is needed to not harm the masses.

Hopefully this year's adventuring will help me grow and become more of a asset to everyone. Hope to see you soon as it's been to long.

The brotherhood