Winter Gaming


Over the past year I've talked to a number of people who expressed interest in playing a table top game over the winter to ward off the shakes of not having an impending event. A number of people noted they had little or no experience with table top RPGs so I'm going to put together a set of Pathfinder adventures and anyone who wants to is invited to attend.

I have a couple of requirements to play:
  1. Let's have fun.
  2. Playing in a regular game is a commitment, make sure you have time.
  3. We're playing at my place.
If you're interested, leave a message here.


P.S. I also have a ton of board games so if people want a board game night/weekend let me know.
Why must you live so far..:

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If I have an idea of the schedule for it, I might be in.
For Pathfinder, I'm thinking weekly/bi-weekly on Tues, Wed, or Thurs.
Running from around 6:30-10:30.
Board game night can work anytime I'm in town.
I'm already in a 5th edition game every other Thursday. So if it's on the off week or on Wednesday, I'm in too.
I travel a lot, but if it works out, I'd be down for doing one in Chicago as well.
Ian let's see what the Chicago group can do:-)

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Any update on this? I would still love to do a campaign/game night.
Alright, it looks like there's some interest in a bi-weekly mid-week game. I know how busy the next 20 days tend to be for me so we'll start in January.

I'll send out an email with some more details.

Dan I don't think I have your email handy so if you could PM that to me it'd be great.

If you're interested and you haven't spoken up, feel free to do so. It looks like we have 3-4 but I'm good with up to 6 PCs


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