Wish list


Solid color tabards - 3gs per dollar spent, must be hemmed
Solid color tunics - 5gs per dollar spent
Large sized costuming (UP TO MALE XXXL)- 7gs per dollar spent
Special tabards (by plot request only, please) - 5gs per dollar spent

Acceptable solid colors are as follows: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, black, brown, white, or grey.
All tabards and tunics must be finished (no unhemmed edges) and ready to wear.
Bonus goblin stamps may be awarded on a case-by-case basis for exceptional work.

5/8"-3/4" wall closed cell pipe foam - 15gs per 12 ft
Kitespar pole (505) - 15gs
Kitespar pole (610+) - 30gs
Open cell foam (2" thick) - 10gs per sqft
Open cell foam (4" thick) - 20gs per sqft
Makeup (Mehron or Ben Nye only please) - 3gs per dollar spent
Baby wipes - 3gs per dollar spent
Racial prosthetics (ears, horns, scavenger noses, etc) - 3gs per dollar spent
Wigs - 3gs per dollar spent
Makeup wedges - 3gs per dollar spent
Birdseed (sunflower seed-free millet by preference) - 3gs per dollar spent
Fabric (contact plot for needs)- 3 gs per dollar spent
Potion vials (6ml MINIMUM, with caps) - 3gs per dollar spent

If you wish to make a large item donation please contact the staff to discuss needs and goblin stamp compensation.