Worst Superpowers

I believe that Moist from Dr. Horrible has the worst super power. Basically, you have trouble opening doors, jars, and touching any computer or paper. Let's not even get into what might happen in winter months!
"Remember Exploding Boy, you can only use your power once."

Also, from Misfits, Lactokinesis; though it did end up being used in pretty ingenious ways.
Dan Nickname Beshers said:
Torch can (could) throw bolts of flame without turning on the sweatsuit.
+1 for keeping up on your current events.
Air Raksa said:
Telepathy... Having the ability to listen to human thoughts would probably require also carrying a barf-bag. Also it would suck to "hear" Wolverine thinking about how he is going to impale you right before he does.... (thank you Jason Ellis).

Naw bro. I'd take that an go to the casino with it. I will know what ever poker player is thinking.
Flatulence Man (from mystery men but not being able to turn the power off)

Thanks would be the worst.

oh excuse me, darn
oh excuse me, darn....
Run Away From Danger Man. Whenever danger is afoot, this guy runs away from it.