Wyldekin Questions


Hello Everyone,

I am a new Role player (As in the newest of newbs) I am hopefully going to join the Deadlands chapter and I have some questions about Wyldekin.I see Bearkin are allowed, but I was wondering if different Species of bear are permissible or is it only a classic brown bear?

I am hoping to play a Panda bearkin (after I get my toes wet NPCing a couple of times) and I was wondering if anyone out there had tips for me- as in costuming, weapons, and abilities I would be able to get as a bearkin- any advice would be appreciated. (note- I can't wear prosthetic as I have a latex sensitivity so anything I would do to my face would be makeup.)

Thanks so much!
You can play basically any type of animal you want for Wylderkin - if you look through the pictures from Southern Minnesota, you'll probably be able to find a Pandakin.

Personally if I were going to play a Pandakin I'd go for a Chinese theme - a dao-style latex sword if you can find one, some lamellar armor... I don't know if I'd go for a full robe or anything like that, but a top with a similar left-over-right fold would probably look good.
Technically, any animal except cats, since then you're a Sarr instead. Really, if you have to go without the latex, panda is a good choice since it's easy to make the make-up on the face distinctive.

For racial abilities, you can pick any 2 racial abilities from the other races that are thematically appropriate. For a panda, you could pick maybe claws and resist poison, or resist command and racial proficiency. Anything you think makes sense, really.
Thanks for the Advice KyleSchmelz- I was already going to go for a heavily eastern inspired costume for my Character. Mixing Chinese, Mongolian, and Japanese influences, but the ideas for the armor and sword are REALLY cool- I hadn't even thought about the armor yet so thanks!

And kalindra- that's what I thought because Prosthetics aren't an option for me, and as finances are tight one of those uber amazing but pricy masks just isn't doable right now. All the advice is really appreciated.
I'm an unabashed build optimizer. If I was going scholar with a bear-type, I'd probably go Resist Poison and Claws, since you'd have access to one of the best anti-disabling racials available to you (Silence/Paralysis/Laugh/Nausea/etc poison -sucks-), and Claws are a relatively cheap way for a scholar to get a useful weapon that can't be lost.

As a fighter, I'd consider Resist Binding instead of Claws, since the claws will have a diminishing value over time. I'd still get Resist Poison, though.
I would highly recommend speaking to the NH plot team before finalizing racials and costuming. Plot has to approve your racials and the costume may not fit with their established lore.
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EDIT: Joke redacted. :P
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Come on, man. This stuff shows up on Google searches.
This comment has no place here, and I've removed it.
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Feel free to write out an established lore, history, and racial benefit structure for every single possible animal kin and have an owner submit it.
This comment has no place here. I've removed it.
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And kalindra- that's what I thought because Prosthetics aren't an option for me, and as finances are tight one of those uber amazing but pricy masks just isn't doable right now. All the advice is really appreciated.

All you need is to do a fair makeup job. Black ears and eye sockets, white elsewhere. Toss on white UnderArmor/body suit, some black or white gloves and your are good to go.
I do recommend buying a good set of make up, sealer, and brushes.
Post self removed in solidarity of people self policing. :)
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Removed for lack of relevence.
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I'm so sorry for starting all this controversy...I only meant to ask a question- did I ask on the wrong forum? If so can someone direct me to the one I should have posted on?
No, no, Itaeo, you're good.

Perhaps your question might have been better suited for the New Player forums but this is certainly an appropriate forum too. It is by no means out-of-place here.

I'm glad to hear that you're excited to come try Alliance! I know from experience that NH (Deadlands) runs a stellar game and I'm sure you'll have a blast!
I'm so sorry for starting all this controversy...I only meant to ask a question- did I ask on the wrong forum? If so can someone direct me to the one I should have posted on?

Not at all. You asked your question in an appropriate place, but the thread changed into a discussion of what the rules should be rather than what they currently are. We have forums for discussing possible rules changes, and I apologize that you got a response in the vein of changing the rules rather than advising a new player how the rules currently are.
I would again advise you to reach out to the NH plot team. They'll work with you to make sure that you have a character you're happy with while helping you craft a character history that works for all parties.