XP to BP


Does xp turn into bp at the end of a game day, or the end of the entire event? The rule book seems just a bit too vague on when this happens. It states that XP is "immediately turned into BP" and that I receive XP per game day. But it also gives the example that if someone had 40 BP, they would receive 80 xp over a two day event (not including modules). Is this example just not taking into account the XP changes that would happen if someone leveled up from that first day?
The XP is turned into BP when logistics reconciles events. So it will not be until after the event is over. So if you attend a 2 day event, you will get double your build in XP when logistics reconciles the event. XP is based upon the type of event it is, mod day (0.5 day), faire day (1 day), 2 day weekend, long weekend (depending on the amount of days), monthly blanket (1 day) or dragon blanket (1 day).
Sounds good! I always think too much about how to start a character and wanted to math out some BP paths. Since it's after the event, that'll definitely be more freedom and time to think. Thank you!