Yeti Hunt in Bomae


I found friend that know a little about Yetis. I would like to assemble a group to try and take and skin this beast. this is what I is able to tell yous about the beast.

"He explains that while he himself has never hunted a yeti, he has heard legends of them from many years past, when a few still roamed the cold and mountainous regions nearby. The legends tell that they are large and hairy beasts, somewhere between a man and a bear. With vicious claws and gnashing teeth, these creatures are best hunted with allies. They are smarter than an animal, more akin to monstrous races like trolls. Many learn to speak the common language, and a few even work with others for their own benefit.

It is also said that there is almost no limit to how strong they can become when sufficiently enraged and empowered. None of the stories quite agree what exactly empowers a yeti, but the one thing that they do agree on is that yetis appear to react in the opposite way to what you would expect. That which would seek to harm one will instead give it strength, and that which cures brings it pain. Most of the stories agree that normal injuries by weapon or sky magic should work just as expected, but other things may not do what you intend. Silent Stalker advises you that it would be best to bring a wide range of things to test against the beast, if no one else can provide specifics.

As for finding the creature, it should not be that hard. While somewhat intelligent, they are still relatively wild and monstrous. The animals of the area will avoid it, and the smell should carry for some distance. If it is a particularly well hidden creature, the legends say that yetis communicate through an almost yodeling cry. If you attempt to replicate it, the beast may respond in kind, giving away its location.

my friend not know a lot looking for anyone who has more hands on experience with these beasts.
If it is like that awful land of the Corp Wizard than it is true to use spells such as: remove curse, release, awaken on it--otherwise you will die.

I'll see who I can find to cast these spells for us. I will also come and kill this prize.

Thank you it will be a pleasure to join in the thrill of the hunt with another tribesman
Uh, GRONK wants ta fight a yeti. I useta have a buncha Release scrolls, maybe I still got some. I'll check.

I dont like da sky magic but you my first pick for sky cater. Me gonna be glad to see you again.

I am also nervous of the Sky Magic but thinks it a necessary evil if we to succeed.

I could probably whip up some release scrolls if folks know more. Benjamin was kind enough to offer me use of his workshops.

-Kalith Toovir
If you really don't like it get a Earth caster to do fix-it spells. Saves me da effort.

just nervous. would love Ogre Gronk to joins us in hunt.

Now hold, on, I heard both the words beast and creature in referencing it, so surely it must be evil. Besides worst case it'll die of old age in what a couple dozen years? That's really not a big enough difference to get worked up about.

-Kalith Toovir
Um... I'm pretty sure that a yeti is big and grumpy and eats people. Well maybe not eats people but its dangerous and in the way. Killing it is like community service.

Ok no one in this dream was there for that including you and I'm pretty sure no one even knew that killing it was a bad idea. That being said you also have a point. I'll keep it in mind.

Must agree with my tribesman Ragnarok, Jaspers remark has only confused me.

-Bruisey Foemangler

We haven't met but I know what they are talking about and would like to help people understand the cryptic remark.

Years ago (9 or so I believe) when the adventurers were just getting started they went after a creature that was causing trouble. This creature was the Slithercarn. It was not a particularly nice creature and rather monstrous looking in nature. So the adventurers killed it. Some time after that it was discovered that, while not very nice, the Slithercarn was a sort of mystical guardian and killing it was overall fairly bad for our lands.

The Slithercarn has come to be a very real warning of "not everything is what it seems" and "don't kill everything you meet just because you don't like it". While this is a very important lesson to learn, I doubt it is relevant to a Yeti. I say that because I have actually fought a Yeti who, while strong, was no mystical guardian of any world. Simply a large, hairy, and savage creature. That said the Yeti I faced was not in our lands so this Yeti may be different.

I would urge caution but I believe peoples responses are a bit over dramatic for a Yeti.

-Sheriff York Winters
Sheriff Captain Corporal York Sir,
Do you have any advice in bringing it down.
-Bruisey Foemangler

I am a simple swordsman so I don't have much insight beyond what Lord Oakheart has already mentioned. If the wrong spells are used against it then it will strike you down with the force of 10 avalanches, I wish that I was exaggerating. If you follow Ashers advice AND it's the same kind of yeti then a small capable force should be able to handle it.

My advice in fighting anything is "hit it until it stops moving, then hit it a few more times in case it's only pretending to be dead".
