You know you're missing Alliance when...


The title of your work e-mail from your boss is "Blankets" and you think "wait... what event is this for?", then open it only to find the company bought some blankets to protect our patients from the cold. Haha!
I've done something kinda like that. Only it was an email named 'Chapters'...I was like 'Oh yay. Wonder if there's a new one....'

When you look at your boffers and costuming and think about the next year (they're in my bedroom, so they're a constant reminder.)

When you think, "Hey, my character can do x next season."

When you are thinking of new characters to play. spend the majority of your free thought coming up with designs for new weapons and costuming for next season... :ninja:
Its bad when you see the platemail you want in sale and have to debate on that or gifts for family (we aren't That close).
... you're cleaning your room and before you can even think "where the heck did this odd piece of clothing COME from?" you think "I can donate this to Alliance and maybe get some gobbies!! :D :D "

Yeah, I found a light blue tunic-ish-shirt-thing, and a medium-long black velvet dress, high cut and long sleeves and everything. They're clearly not fit for the real world. Maybe some gypsy or a wizard would look cool in these things? Lol :)
You go to your change thing in your car and realize you can't pay the toll with the silver you grabbed've got your character's build planned out for the next 150 points.

Now to find people's brains to eat...umm, I mean people to "teach" all those new skills.
Woohoo dwarves!
July event! Dwarftoberfest/Grim's birthday! Be there