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Whats up everyone,
Some exciting news surrounding the group I am part of. The Greek warriors WILL BE on "Warriors" by the history channel, episode "Spartans". A select few of us will be doing some of the re-enactment, as well as my Good friend and founder of the group, George, will be doing some up close co-hosting with Terry Schappert. I will not be part of this show, but take great pride knowing the discussions, training, instructions and choreographing i have done with my group will play its part.

Also April 26th, last Sunday of this month. The NYC Greek independence day parade will be taking its place. This is our 4th time marching in the parade and taking part in this honorable event, and we will be up towards the front. We march nearly 20 blocks in fronts of 10-20k people. It starts around 1:00 and ends like 5ish, though we will be done marching by 2:00-2:30. If you have a passion for historical combat, passion for Greek history, or Greek blood itself in your veins feel free to head out.

ALSO, if you are interested in suiting up and marching decked in Armor, shield, and spear let me know. When we first did this there was a mere 8 of us, over the years we have gained a few and last year marched with close to 20. I myself as well as the group has plenty of Armor, and suiting. And I invite any of my Nero Friends to come and suit up and march with us. Feel free to contact me via PM for details.
