IvanDrake said:
Thanks for defending Blythedale, Toddy!

Of course, I am in agreement with everything Toddy said on this subject.

If Miami wins the NBA Championship, should there be an asterisk because Derrik Rose of Chicago got injured? You can't judge contests on "what ifs." Maybe some previously-unheard-of All-Star team of 100+ level characters would have shown up, then we definitely would have lost, so maybe every tournament should be an asterisk.

Just sayin'......

--- Eric Stehle / Ivan Drake

Not for nothing, but if Miami wins the NBA championship t is because a mircale happened. I'm a Heat fan, but even if they manage to come back and overtake indiana NO ONE in the East is beating Boston right now.


Go Blythdale!!!

Was a fun time.
Toddo said:
I'm betting that the Vanguard team will kick Blythedale's asterisk, before losing to the NPC team on a last second Field goal.

5 gold, any takers?

Where's our Money!!!!!!!
I received no notification you were taking my bet. :whistle:
I believe toddo bet vanguard would come in second. thsts accurate