New profile posts

(OOG) I'm not sure if this a private or not so I will try this first. let me know if it is private, or I can e-mail you a IG letter. Thanks,

My hat off to anyone who LARPS in latex facial applications,ears and what have you.- I know I couldn't do it..
Ian has three levels of tracking. I wanted to offer a certificate for his services. Would that normally an in game thing or would that type thing be typically used for IBGA? And do you need some sort of phys rep or just a pledge?
I would never play a stone elf.... I smile and laugh WAY too easily. I'd be the worst stone elf ever...
Your Dryad costumes for the seasons are absolutely beautiful! I love how many bright colors you mix in their, and how layered they are- like a real outfit. Your makeup really does look barklike!
Oh, wow! Thank you so much, that's very kind! :) Thrift stores and fake leaves forever! It's amazing what can be found and thrown together to get the layers. :) Liquid mehron make-up is how I get her barkskin streaks, too. Very fun. Thanks again!
still wading through the rule book- gracious I will be so inept in my first game- people will scold me I'm SURE of it. Lol