- NPC camp for really fun combats and engaging RP. Especially the pacing of the Sat night puzzle/battle team combo mod. Thanks, NPC camp!
- Bat things that spoke in human voices like someone with a really troubling childhood or who had played a little too much Binding of Isaac. Thanks for the nightmare fuel.
- Halvar keeping our site pretty bug-free. It was nice event weather and environment.
- Getting to pick my first locks.
- Getting to set my first trap. Allegedly.
- Team Battle Tetherball! Trademark pending.
- Ainsley's ability to set up a trap in 0.2 seconds when angry.
- Beryl the Magivangelist. You can't un-hear that, my friend.
- Locke and Mint's Selunari shield wall. My pollaxe salutes you.
- Zihr getting outbid on a tasty auction by junior members of House Husky.
- The entire cipher team. Job well done!
- The King of Bird's insights on the tile puzzle. Thank you for making us not suck up more dooms.
- Asher's ritual (with assist from Silp). That was a choice piece of immersive, entertaining and inclusive RP.
- Silp's bird calls and the King of Bird's reaction.
- Silp in general.
- Watching new players jump into the game with gusto.
- Zen not wanting to mess with the "trapped" bunk room and staying up all night.
- The Countess coming out of the kitchen to dump out a ton of healing on Fri night when the tavern got overrun. She saves our bacon as well as serving it.
- Multiple PCs having to talk Bruisey down from trying to voluntarily jump into a clearly-marked Pit of Death in order to solve a puzzle. Never stop being you, my High and Low battle buddy.
- Bat things that spoke in human voices like someone with a really troubling childhood or who had played a little too much Binding of Isaac. Thanks for the nightmare fuel.
- Halvar keeping our site pretty bug-free. It was nice event weather and environment.
- Getting to pick my first locks.
- Getting to set my first trap. Allegedly.
- Team Battle Tetherball! Trademark pending.
- Ainsley's ability to set up a trap in 0.2 seconds when angry.
- Beryl the Magivangelist. You can't un-hear that, my friend.
- Locke and Mint's Selunari shield wall. My pollaxe salutes you.
- Zihr getting outbid on a tasty auction by junior members of House Husky.
- The entire cipher team. Job well done!
- The King of Bird's insights on the tile puzzle. Thank you for making us not suck up more dooms.
- Asher's ritual (with assist from Silp). That was a choice piece of immersive, entertaining and inclusive RP.
- Silp's bird calls and the King of Bird's reaction.
- Silp in general.
- Watching new players jump into the game with gusto.
- Zen not wanting to mess with the "trapped" bunk room and staying up all night.
- The Countess coming out of the kitchen to dump out a ton of healing on Fri night when the tavern got overrun. She saves our bacon as well as serving it.
- Multiple PCs having to talk Bruisey down from trying to voluntarily jump into a clearly-marked Pit of Death in order to solve a puzzle. Never stop being you, my High and Low battle buddy.