August Favorites


- NPC camp for really fun combats and engaging RP. Especially the pacing of the Sat night puzzle/battle team combo mod. Thanks, NPC camp!
- Bat things that spoke in human voices like someone with a really troubling childhood or who had played a little too much Binding of Isaac. Thanks for the nightmare fuel.
- Halvar keeping our site pretty bug-free. It was nice event weather and environment.
- Getting to pick my first locks.
- Getting to set my first trap. Allegedly.
- Team Battle Tetherball! Trademark pending.
- Ainsley's ability to set up a trap in 0.2 seconds when angry.
- Beryl the Magivangelist. You can't un-hear that, my friend.
- Locke and Mint's Selunari shield wall. My pollaxe salutes you.
- Zihr getting outbid on a tasty auction by junior members of House Husky.
- The entire cipher team. Job well done!
- The King of Bird's insights on the tile puzzle. Thank you for making us not suck up more dooms.
- Asher's ritual (with assist from Silp). That was a choice piece of immersive, entertaining and inclusive RP.
- Silp's bird calls and the King of Bird's reaction.
- Silp in general.
- Watching new players jump into the game with gusto.
- Zen not wanting to mess with the "trapped" bunk room and staying up all night.
- The Countess coming out of the kitchen to dump out a ton of healing on Fri night when the tavern got overrun. She saves our bacon as well as serving it.
- Multiple PCs having to talk Bruisey down from trying to voluntarily jump into a clearly-marked Pit of Death in order to solve a puzzle. Never stop being you, my High and Low battle buddy.
-Learning the hard way that I can choose not to accept touch-cast spells. Thanks, Beryl!
-Buying my rowboat at Logistics and Ryan crack up over it
-The glow-y orb puzzle, especially the extremely volatile Celestial wand that definitely did not blow up and create a huge crater after Beryl threw it out the door. It was cool being able to toss a little Celestial magic while holding it, too
-Gonna have to second that ritual casting by Asher. That was a truly singular event and I'm glad I went to see it. Silp's contributions to the casting were particularly entertaining.
-Getting to hang out with all my Order of Dawn pals and swarming those elementals during the Cyclops fight.
-The construct gauntlet was a very cool change of pace. Having to think about moving rather than blocking hits was very different and I'm glad I chose to go with that group.
-Spending a few coins on some bets during the dice games and being able to act out Bel's more reckless and chaotic side. Oddly enough, the dice game was some of the most immersive RP I've been a part of.
-Matron Locke trying to get a straight answer out of Zihr after asking if he likes her or not.
-Talking to Russ and trying to determine what fraction of a subject I would be if I swore fealty to him
-Last but definitely not least, Goopsack and all the euphemisms and German accents that came with it
Another great event is in the books, big thanks to everyone for making it as enjoyable as it was. And a big personal thank you for welcoming my niece and making her feel included. Some of my favorites in no order are . . .

- Liar's Dice with Count Salves and Viscount Sinclair. I shouldn't have bet that platinum, I still can't believe there were four sixes!
- Where's Banana man?!? and the entire aristocracy mission with Jo'Kar De'Carr
- Ten gold to Zihr going once ... Ten gold to Zihr going twice ... *from the back of the room* Eleven! Eleven gold to Ghauld! Well done, Ghauld :)
- The entire Seeker's and Magicians's Guild mission, both fights and puzzles.
- My niece almost getting hit with a Berserk
- Order Assemble!! and then laying the smackdown on a couple elementals
- Seeing Vaelin running the node during the retreat and the Bird King solving the puzzles after the nightmare bats... really great jobs my friends.
- Showers.

~Brad / Zihr
(On a side note - What happens if a page takes a Berserk? They run around yelling nonviolently in the nearest folx' faces?)
More or less yeah. If they're a packet page they might throw packets but they just kinda... get mad? Slightly upset?
The split party in the Palace of the Crossed Swords. Seeing the PCs working out the tile puzzle. Being the Golden Cyclops. Seeing the teamwork on the cypher. Grabbing the box from under the table and trying to escape, only for outside plot to call a waterbreak hold. The G5! The unvaling of the balista. Getting hit by a berserk packet and turning at Patrick, who then calls intercept, and yells back at me and starts swinging. The Food!!!
Man what a great event. I had a blast on everything I was involved in.
Some highlights.

Feeling real dumb when my idea to recklessly jump in the pit didn't end up being the answer to the Cyclops Eye. Thank you Silp for yelling at me.

While it might not have gone as planned I still really enjoyed the mission for Roffs Squire test.

The G5 and being one of the first people to learn about it and Gerry's excitement.

The RP of flopping on Roff and Vailen after sheilding Vailen with our bodies so he could rift us out.

Order Assemble....

Also after the game Kyle saying that Bruisey really was a Big Stick now.
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Some favorites:

The Red Elf mod was a great challenge, and got really dicey towards the end.

The ritual summoning of Halvar. Wasnt sure what would happen and we got to learn a lot about this world. Just need to find that sword.

“Oh Sh!t, thats a Guardian”- Adams npc at the ritual

Saturday night mod splitting up the town.

Liars dice and a Squire bet gone wrong.

Late night talks watching the storm come in
One of my favorite events this year for sure! Some of my favorites included

Late night Liars Dice with Count Salves and Viscount.. something (sorry William, bad with names) that was a great time

Order Assemble! That was great, and I look forward to getting better at it.

Giant Tetherball followed by Giant Big Team Tetherball, and all the schenanagins that came with it

The fight with the red elf, and the horror in the scar was great, great costuming on Jordan's part and the fight itself was fun.

Great weekend everyone!

Edit: How could I forget about Banana Man! Get over here banana man.
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I had a lot of fun at this event, and am glad to see so many players did as well. I've learned a lot running my first year, and I hope that these final two events to come will be even more impressive. My favorites included:

Seeing Sid become possessive over portions of the Walls. "You better not be messing with my wall! I just put that back up!"

Bruisey trying to block Vaelin's body as the undead are swarming them at the Keyrune.

Being chased around in a field by a group of martial characters when they realized that their weapon blows were doing 1 damage. "We just need a solidify" one of them yells, and another yells, "We don't have even a single spellcaster!"

I enjoyed portraying Halvar during the summoning. Asher desperately trying to be inclusive to everyone, even when Halvar wanted nothing to do with the non-Dryads was really good. Hearing later how Halvar's racist comments had sparked more debate afterwards was really good for me.

Trying to identify bottle colors in the dark was a unique and unplanned challenge. Turns out one of the wrong bottles was grabbed, since Sunday morning it turned out we'd grabbed the green bottle, not the blue one. But the a yellow glow stick underneath the green bottle had me convinced that it was blue.

"Leave the sewers, and we won't kill you." "Okay, but how about, you leave the sewers, AND you don't kill us."

Listening to people try to explain to De'Carr's son that he had been sent here because his father wanted him to learn humility, and the son responding, "Well I do excel at everything that I try."

"This is a raid!"

"What are you doing in here?" "This is a raid!" "It can't be a raid, you're already in here. You'd have to bust in the doors for it to be a raid."
I had a great event!

- When I went down in the tavern only to look up and lock eyes with Beryl (Sid) while he is hiding under the table. After we locked eyes, he does the "shhh" gesture.
-Trying to take down the wall only to have Fiona (Carly) running at me with a war cry. I was stunned.
-Ritual marshaled for Asher (Ryan B) a lot, that man does so many rituals
-After finishing up a ritual and a nice chat with Asher (Ryan B) I walk into the tavern and grab a banana only to touch that there is nothing but NPCs in here, so one of them tells me we're going to get raided only for the PC's to burst into the door yelling "THIS IS A RAID." So I threw off my white headband is becoming an NPC who is eating a banana. Doing my best to not lock eyes with anything I try and sneak over and grab a shovel but Beryl (Sid) caught me and took it away. After that, I tried to hide under the table only for Liam (Kyle) to start poking me down, he even stopped for a moment to walk around the table to get those sweet back attacks. Elro (Zach) is supporting all anti-banana man actions! How dare he?
-I had a lot of fun trying to keep a rhythm going while swinging! I really need to have more of those types of mods.
-Playing a bat/pixie with a creepy voice, Fiona was everywhere that fight (this whole even actually). Trying to protect and kill everything she could! I got a good laugh when I heard that someone got a few hits on her because she was first distracted by my voice.
- Friday night dying to the ballista three times in a row, every shot just so happens to hit my feet. Great shooting Liam (Kyle)
-Walking up to Arbeld (Payton) as a bandit and slowing taking his sword out of his hand while asking him if there is anything cools about it. There was, and it was a spell parry. You bet I used it.
-Late night chats, 0% rain my butt
-Coming in as Viscount Sinclair and playing liars dice for hours. There was so much good RP, Liam (Kyle) calling all of Arbelds (Payton) BS then Fiona (Carly) doing the same when we switch up spots. Zihr (Brad) betting a plat and losing it honorably haha. Arbeld (Payton) has so much confidence! You couldn't faze that man. Elro (Zach) protects his gold as if they are his children during side bets only to come back in the latter half like Richie Rich, on top of locking as with me when calling...other peoples bluffs.
-Walking down the stairs only to find a body and a great reaction from Asher (Ryan B) when he couldn't help in time.

So many moments
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I didnt realize that was Zihr's platinum you were betting, otherwise you know I woulda won that back for him d: