Event Review: One down, Six to go

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**NPCs - Do not post here. Let us know if you had any highlights or concerns in the NPC FB group. Thanks! **

1. Post your favorite moments
2. Post your less favorite moments (if we don't know, we can not fix)
3. What you would like to see more of
4. Give us a moment from the perspective of your character
5. Please add your thoughts on things we need to review for the 2.0 ruleset

Posting rules, respect everyone's views, no debates. Everyone sees things differently.
Reviews for 2.0 get you 25 Goblin Stamps, so make sure you tag your review with your name
1. There were so many. Balinoks realm was a blast, especially how it ended for Solveig. The mission to brightmore was an absolute blast and all the loot was great. Superb traps as well.
2. Honestly, I didn’t have any
3. I would love to see more missions for the HG. We are growing in numbers and the joint HG BG stuff is amazing.
4. Solveig could not control the tears running down her face as she knelt by the circle. She had been so close to getting back to Cassiopeia before she’d been downed herself. Her sobs intertwined with Thistles coaxing voice and Barra’s gentle song. “Please come back, I’m so sorry...” she sobbed.
5. I didn’t have any issues.
1. The trip to Brightmoor was amazing and so much fun. It was chaos, but really cool watching people argue with the "Bright Guard." The Sunday morning quest with the symbol on the grounds was great.

2. Getting skunk sprayed and missing out on the goblin hunt mod aimed for us sucked (But totally understandable).

3. More One Star wild hunter jobs would be cool.

4. Adraxis, Elinor, Judas, Talon and I walked the woods. Barring our path was a black and white striped creature. Adraxis and I moved forward, while the others backed off.
"Get away from it," Judas called out to us.
Adraxis and I shared a look. The glory would be for us. We moved in closer, then it suddenly turned its back to us and a liquid sprayed out hitting us. I have never smelled anything as retched as this before. I think I may have vomited. I looked around, tears in my eyes from the smell. Adraxis and I stood in the trail, the black bear was gone, the others were gone. They'd abandoned us. Not that I blame them.
"I did not think bears could do that," Adraxis chimed in, as we began walking back to our home.
"Dah, I had heard they were fierce fighters," I responded. "Maybe that was not bear...?"
We took the long way back into town, avoiding the others. We did our best to cleanse ourselves, but the smell persisted even after we'd washed.

5. Nothing.
1. Brightmore was extremely fun. A major thanks to all the players who became NPCs so we could have a fun module!

2. Some of the initial combat holds on Friday night for the Rodenzi broke the atmosphere a bit (seemed like there was a lot of confusion about what defenses were used/usable) -- I know this was mentioned as something that was being worked on but just mentioning this as it was one of the few things that broke my immersion from the NPC side of things.

3. General information that seems like it should be in a packet somewhere for new players. Seems like a lot of stuff like the meta-org packets and the maps and the location of events and other things like who is who in the lands that would be common knowledge is not laid out well for new players trying to get started. This wasn't a major issue for my character (intentionally ignorant of in-play things) but for someone who wanted to know a bit more, it feels like there is a lot out-of-date.

4. Town was moving through the path in the woods to get away from the exposure of the open field. It was too hectic out there, too exposed. The trees at least gave some cover. On the edge of the path Adraxis saw the the large stag horns of the Fey Lord as he strode into view. He was laughing and taunting Town. "He's jeering us," Adraxis thought. Adraxis was not close enough to be a target but was close enough to hear him and watch him lazily throw a Slow. Then another one. All minor spells, like a novice wizard. Barely even trying.
"He's toying with us," Adraxis thought. "We're being hunted."

5. I'm noticing a lot of players (both PC/NPC) are loosing packets before the verbal components are finished. Some aren't even remotely close (like three or four words left in an incant as the packet is flying). I'd like to see that put in check before it becomes heated debate in the middle of a combat about whether an effect should be taken or not because of this.
1. Post your favorite moments
Home guard as a whole. Love that we have a great group and theres 2 sides to this coin working in tandem. Cant wait for more.
Stig walking into a fight that the new players had full control of and just assessing them giving occasional words of encouragement while never needing to release my sword. To all you new players .... your getting more smiles from him then hes made in quite awhile.

2. Post your less favorite moments (if we don't know, we can not fix)
I agree with Jerret

3. What you would like to see more of
Home guard muti sided mission work. Loving it and cant wait for more whether it's all together work or big job with small side stuff the larger group needs to run distraction for the smaller cell to take care of what they need

4. Give us a moment from the
perspective of your character
(Real simple)
Talon "ok I'm with you, I'll join"
Morrigan "Ack sounds like a good deal, Aye I'll join ye' "

5. Please add your thoughts on things we need to review for the 2.0 ruleset
1. -The big drake fight was fun!
-Although we got our asses kicked... I do enjoy the dark reaches.
-Large town mods are always a blast. Being able to be an annoying goblin was fun.
-Robyn's annoying child on Sunday morning was fantastic
-Seeing two of the three guilds grow! We just need some more earth weavers
-Getting a magic sword! And Mal's ritual was fantastic and personal
-The tavern being made smaller! The extra mod room was good for the town mod, and at dinner, everything felt more personal/close
-Fantastic roleplay with Evo all weekend long!
-Being named the leader of the town by John, Jinn's brother and the townies beliving it.
-The elementalist mod was a lot of fun and I'm excited to see where that is going.
-Seeing the new players out again and getting involved!

2. -Even though I mentioned the DR above... I feel like the scaling was a bit off.
-The drake fight, while fun, could have done with some crunchies. Only 4 people could engage at a time, and it seemed to have a threshold, meaning our lower level members are ineffective.

3. -Cutting the tavern in half again! I think for October it'll be super useful since it's gonna be colder.

4. Ruki saw in the distance that one of their comrades had fallen. He tapped his Baibh with his sword and said, "Let's go." The two fought through a horde of beasts and reached the body, but it was too late, they had already died. Ruki thought to grab the body, but the beasts began to outnumber them... they had to pull out, or they would have joined Cass.
There are four main guilds, and we grew as well :)

You all go to bed too early!

Alternatively, HO need a guild hall too!
The Earth Weaver's gained 2 member this game as well :p Looks like we're all growing. Now if more of them came to more games ....
The Earth Weaver's gained 2 member this game as well :p Looks like we're all growing. Now if more of them came to more games ....

Solrex... who was the other?
1. Post your favorite moments
- Being a nervous wreck watching them go to the Dark Reaches without me
- More Ritual Caster's :)
- I too second Robyn's annoying child
- Having the Eath Weaver's grow some more. Did you know, if every Earth Weaver who is a member showed up for one game, we would out number the Home Guard (and probably the Arcane Santum as well)
- (I know it was an NPC shift, but) Sticky Skeletons :)
- I'm loving the unplaned, in character, spontaneous reactions we have to things
- The stories around Illyandra, Saryn and Selveig this weekend. High Tea anyone?

2. Post your less favorite moments (if we don't know, we can not fix)
- The lack of Ley Ore. I'm trying to build a Magic Item darn it!
- Honestly, this I think is my second favorite weekend all season

3. What you would like to see more of
- Ley Ore!
- I liked the cozy Tavern as well.

4. Give us a moment from the perspective of your character
- A dark shape rifts in from the Portal and runs towards me. "With binding force I Web you!" I miss. I'm in BIG trouble. No wait, they're running past me.... Is that Judas!?!?!

5. Please add your thoughts on things we need to review for the 2.0 ruleset
- Still feeling in flux with the 2.0 rules. I will be happier with a final rule book. But I know quality takes time.
- I would like a more comprhensive Ritual list. The one from the conversion document does not have them all.
Artur, the Selenauri
You all go to bed too early!

Alternatively, HO need a guild hall too!

I agree we do need a guild hall, but we may just attach it onto the HG's as 4 of our members are also HG
- I actually enjoyed the Dark Reaches this time - it felt *extremely* dangerous and that real, mortal fear gives me LIFE.
- That ritual with Mal. Just so spooky and beautiful
- Jinn's master trap skills
- Awesome RP after the Dark Reaches madness, tie between Artur and Very Angry Jinn
- Getting officially initiated :)
- Loot felt way more balanced this time, thank you!!

2. Our new NPCs are doing great (there's so many rules!!), but one minor piece of feedback - please try to keep the laughing to a minimum, I know it's super fun to throw things around and bop people with swords, but it does kinda kill the RP a bit.

3. Agree w/ Jerrett - it kinda sucks having minimal up-to-date lore info on a lot of things

4. The full moon loomed high in the sky, and a gentle breeze ruffled Elinor's hair. Mal quietly laid out her cards and began to tell of a Biata spirit, a fierce warrior who fought and loved well, one who would guide Elinor's sword. Calan's guitar filled the space and a sense of peace washed over her. As the ritual completed, the wind picked up ever so slightly and the hairs stood up on the back of her neck. She'd never thought that spirits could still guide the living. But for many days and weeks afterwards, whenever she held Flame's Lover... she wondered.

5. Yeah if you watch some of the YouTube videos, there's a lot of folks (I'm guilty of this sometimes too) where the packet has already hit the target and they're saying their incant or damage call.

Thanks all, can't wait for the long weekend!!

- J
You all go to bed too early!
Stigs HO now and he doesnt

[QUOTE Billin
I agree we do need a guild hall, but we may just attach it onto the HG's as 4 of our members are also HG

It's fine with me as the Barracks are built onto my house
0. Character Database Name
1. Post your favorite moments
Honestly, the first one that comes up is when my glasses got popped out in the middle of the RP at the dungeon on Saturday while I was crawling under, and everything became more real as I had to rely on others and my hearing. I could still see, just not read or see tripwires. Anyways, this boulder comes rolling from behind us, and is rolling for something hundred body. Oh. Yeah, and there's traps in front of us. RUN!!! That whole dungeon was fun. When I got back to town I found who had my glasses and I took them to a locksmith to repair them. Again, when my glasses are removed, it creates fear, and fear creates a good time, as long as it's IG fear and not OOG fear, which it all was.
Another moment was when in the morning, my character, on his own volition, went over to the Earth Circle alone, and whether she actually heard or if it was for his own psychological benefit, he said stuff to his deceased partner from his backstory, helping me get in character that morning.
Also, I did not have a weapon, but I was a good Healer. The fear I constantly felt from each and every turn, especially at the start, helped me get into character much faster. Most people would say use a weapon, even if it's just weak. I would vouch that if you don't need a weapon for your build, don't grab one. It makes things a bit more real.
2. Post your less favorite moments (if we don't know, we can not fix)
Basically, we were told there was a portal to the dark reaches, and that half of us weren't strong enough so we weren't going. Sure, but I got caught off-guard when monsters started spilling through the portal. It was all around disappointing/surprising and messed with me OOG.
Another moment is anytime everyone crowded around the firepit, and I mean everyone, and people started smoking. If you wanted RP, you had to be at the firepit at those times, and sometimes people would go out of character. I grew up a sheltered life, and as such, can't stand the smell of cigarette smoke, and not to mention my own personal health benefits as well.
It was also pretty fun playing a goblin as an NPC that wanted to learn Celestial magic, I think I named him Sponk, and he learned the money system, and generally made for interesting RP.
3. What you would like to see more of
More mods, more roleplay moments, more of the kinder Fey, as my character hasn't met them before. The only ones I saw this event were redcaps.
4. Give us a moment from the perspective of your character

My character had to change his views on necromancy as he was taking the Earth Weavers Vow. Here's what he wrote in his journal:

I ended up also finding a Healer named Thistle, of which an alchemist(Tyler/Phalanopsis) had hinted me to go find to go join the Earth Weavers.

When I took my oaths, I was reviewing what I was going to say, I noticed specifically that I would have to make sure necromancy is to be punished. I ask about it, and at that time, I thought about giving repentant necromancers a second chance, but that quickly changed. However, as the adventure led on, I later asked about ways to purify a former necromancer, death being the only, but quite not effective enough, way to do it.

5. Please add your thoughts on things we need to review for the 2.0 ruleset
Just making the channeling path worth it. I have heard that we have some LCO plans for it, but I hope those become global. "Mana" points instead of spell slots just seems to be really easy to memorize for me, and really easy to track.
Basically, we were told there was a portal to the dark reaches, and that half of us weren't strong enough so we weren't going. Sure, but I got caught off-guard when monsters started spilling through the portal. It was all around disappointing/surprising and messed with me OOG.

Was it the surprise that caught you off guard/didn't like? Because quite often things happen that didn't go as planned/that we didn't expect.
Was it the surprise that caught you off guard/didn't like? Because quite often things happen that didn't go as planned/that we didn't expect.
I also never told anyone they couldn't go to the reaches because they 'weren't powerful enough' I will take anyone. Also while game is on, monsters will come out from many different places, something to be prepared for.
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