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  1. Muir

    This rule change is horrible

    The only bad part is that it doesn't have the old Doom incant. Nothing has ever been cooler than 'I SET YOUR DOOM UPON YOU'. :D Eh, charm does mechanically the same thing without the occasionally deeply creepy issues that come with nonconsensual 'love' effects in a live-action game. I...
  2. Muir

    This rule change is horrible

    This is exactly where I landed on the Selunari change. Nikolai's a human now, because that fit him better and didn't require I change his RP (or mode of dress :D ) one bit. All in all I see it as a positive change that doesn't limit the RP of people currently playing but does add another...
  3. Muir

    Channeling HM Abilities

    The answer I was given last time I asked for clarification was that General High Magic abilities count as whichever school you are spending the High Magic points from. So if you have both Earth and Celestial high magic, you could opt to spend High Magic on Higher Manifestation for one or the...
  4. Muir

    Additional uses for goblin stamps

    If that's your preference more power to you. Given that one can't spend build mid-event on a newly learned skill, I prefer not having to keep unspent build for months at a time due to a dearth of people who have time or interest in teaching. It's a bottleneck that only affects relatively new or...
  5. Muir

    Prerelease packet questions

    Rules text quotes Higher Manifestation as 3 High Magic points, while the chart quotes 4. Which is accurate? Also, do the armor points added by Celestial Armor require an equivalent purchase of Wear Extra Armor to use, if one is already wearing their class maximum?
  6. Muir

    A Few Formal Magic Questions

    I don't honestly see that changing, outside of very new chapters. End of the day, Formal's not -that- expensive that there won't be someone with a dozen+ levels of it running around when we have a large population of level 30+ characters in the overall game, and the true limitation on people...
  7. Muir

    A Few Formal Magic Questions

    Interesting that the rules packet tries to sell this as part of decoupling formal magic from battle magic to allow people to specialize in one or the other, but the ARC members in the thread seem to be going with that connection being necessary because it is 'traditional'. Which is the intent...
  8. Muir

    A Few Formal Magic Questions

    Bit sad, that. People playing the non-combat oriented class are exactly the ones we should be looking to give a place to shine, and ritual casting would be just that.
  9. Muir

    Favorites from the new packet!

    Yeah, with that and the armor changes, I expect Durl is going to be a tank.
  10. Muir

    A Few Formal Magic Questions

    I agree with your feelings here. Magic items and their components are effectively the entire in-game economy for a lot of players. Introducing more chance of 'welp, that's a year's worth of your slice of treasure policy gone to a die roll' is not going to be a popular change, especially without...
  11. Muir

    Dryad help

    Most of Dryads I've known who wore leaves hit up the floral section of their local craft store. If you have long hair, a hair clip might be good to make it stay, otherwise you may need spirit gum to glue it on or some sort of hat/headband situation.
  12. Muir

    Favorites from the new packet!

    I have one that really stands out on a first read: Love and Love #9 are both gone. :D Mend Armor Storm is intriguing as well, seems like an interesting backpacking tool for fights against critters with carriers.
  13. Muir

    Earth Spellswords

    I'm seeing a lot of good stuff there. I'm not sure if Scout is still a trap option, but the toolset is much bigger as well. All in all, a lot of hard work went into this and it looks exciting.
  14. Muir

    Prerelease packet questions

    To clarify, is this intended to fill a Spell Store without expending spells in memory? That's how I'm reading it, but the text should probably be specific.
  15. Muir

    Not sure which is worse, the snow or the undead, and they're both knee deep.

    Not sure which is worse, the snow or the undead, and they're both knee deep.
  16. Muir

    [.11] Mettle and new fighters.

    Mostly because Dodge is applicable against the same 10 minute effects, whereas evade only works on damage and is effectively an alternative to having to take a Cure Light and stand back up if we're assuming team play.
  17. Muir

    [.11] Mettle and new fighters.

    Honestly I still have yet to see a justification for why Mettle costs body and Dodge doesn't have a price per use, while working on way more effects. Dodge: 1/30 Stealth Skills, 5 xp per for the primary class, no cost to use, Smart Defense against everything. Mettle: 1/20 Martial Skills, 3xp...
  18. Muir

    [.11] Mettle and new fighters.

    I actually wonder how often you'll ever be able to use it, other than right after logistics. I have never known a low level character of any stripe to have more than a couple body most of the time, because few healers want to spend serious healing on someone without the defenses to make good...
  19. Muir

    [.11] Mettle and new fighters.

    I feel like you're rather arguing past me and focused far more on a distaste for the current status quo than what I'm saying. What I want, in a nutshell, is for fighters to be in a position to do their schtick (aka, melee combat) without feeling like glass cannons because a single low level...
  20. Muir

    [.11] Mettle and new fighters.

    It is, so far as I can tell, the sole ability in the rules that relies upon an out of class resource (healing) to be functional. Fighters have no in-class method of regaining body, and Hearty is not (at present) classed as a Martial skill.