Prerelease packet questions


Hiya folks!

If you have clarity questions about the prerelease packet, or spot a typo or error, please feel free to post here and ask questions and we will do our best to get them answered and cleaned up if needed.

Bryan Gregory
ARC Chair
I want to thank all of ARC for their ridiculously hard work in getting 2.0 to the place that it is now.

I also want to thank all of the players that sent in their feedback. The feedback was instrumental in making the system what it is now.
Time > logistics period calculator.
Catalysts for removed rituals, how do they convert in the new system?

Essentially, only 2 cats can be traded in: Master Construct and CSS. Either one can be traded for any one other Catalyst other than Permanence, if I remember rightly, but I'll have to doublecheck my notes at home. So I'll post up a more 'official' answer in the next couple of days.

Time > logistics period calculator.

I'll let someone else in the community tackle a tool for this :). The math is straightforward: 1 and 2/3 Logistics periods per month or part of month remaining at time of switch over (targeting June 1), rounding up. If your item expires anytime in July 2019, it would convert with 2 Logistics Periods remaining. If your item expires anytime in June 2020, it would convert with 20 Logistics Periods remaining - conveniently enough, exactly as much as a 1-year Ritual is converting to in the new system.

This is awesome.

one question for clarification in the 2.0 Item-Scroll-Production Helper.xlsx

Permanent Duration:
Difficulty 7 to 31 ( possible needing to have 32 as max) as
in the rit shows 7,11,16,23,32 for a +4,+5,+7,+9
I suppose this question is also applicable to crafting but I only just thought of it while reading the new high magic options. When spending high magic outside logistics, one needs a crafting marshal to sign off on high magic spent. Does this process all ways require two people? Or if I the high magic spender/ crafter sign off on my own sheet, assuming that I am crafting marshal?
The Merchant Insight Ritual allows a character, if they have the prerequisite skill, to identify Potions, Alchemy, Battle Magic scrolls, and Trap Globes in 3 seconds (if within a Location with this Ritual) or 15 seconds (if they bear an item with this Ritual) instead of the normal required identification duration.

5:3 Reagents, May only be cast on a Location
10:5 Reagents, May be cast on an Item

The Item version costs more reagents and has twice the difficulty, but appears to be strictly inferior (5 times slower, only one user at a time), with the exception that it's portable. Was that intended?
I suppose this question is also applicable to crafting but I only just thought of it while reading the new high magic options. When spending high magic outside logistics, one needs a crafting marshal to sign off on high magic spent. Does this process all ways require two people? Or if I the high magic spender/ crafter sign off on my own sheet, assuming that I am crafting marshal?

Ultimately, this will be a local chapter call based on available resources but it is NOT intended, just like a current Ritual Marshal should not be handling his/her own rituals.
The Item version costs more reagents and has twice the difficulty, but appears to be strictly inferior (5 times slower, only one user at a time), with the exception that it's portable. Was that intended?
Yes. Portability and (presumbly) exclusive use has value.
Raging strike ritual description uses the term “raging blow”
Magical Conduit (3 High Magic points per purchase, Times Ever): When purchasing this High Magic, the character may fill up to 9 levels in a Spell Store Ritual with spells appropriate to their Aspect. These spells must be in a spellbook that the character studies during the Meditation session in which they purchase this High Magic. The Spell Store Ritual must stay in the character's possession for the duration of the Meditation session.

To clarify, is this intended to fill a Spell Store without expending spells in memory? That's how I'm reading it, but the text should probably be specific.
Why is Magic Evocation a General aspect ritual?
For channel health and channel armor rituals, can you use either channel pool?
Typo: Foundation/Magisterium Strike are listed as F/M Blow in the skill table. Given what they do, gonna say Strike is the right version.
Who do we go to in order to exchange lco and restricted Magic Items from a chapter that no longer exists?
Who do we go to in order to exchange lco and restricted Magic Items from a chapter that no longer exists?

I'll ask @Auric to chime in on this one. My understanding was that closed Chapters were supposed to transfer their databases to the National Logistics head, and I'm not sure whether items from defunct chapters were supposed to be traded in when those chapters closed.

I know 3 people that were bottled in chapters that no longer exists. Highly doubt that their were to hand those in.

Speaking of bottle. Under the Obliterate ritual (yea I was checking out why I needed to have my scroll reprinted) it gives mention to CSS.
Running something by the owners, I will get back to you with an official response when they have a chance to discuss.