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  1. K

    Another Friday Night Meeting, and an Undertaking

    It is well known that Enan and I do not always see eye to eye, but I feel I should confirm that he had indeed made clear his culpability in this matter and I have witnessed him making many personal apologies. If anyone felt that Enan's gestures fell short they should have taken that up with...
  2. K

    Brotherhood of the Light Recruiting

    There was indeed a war, and a great battle in which many members of the Brotherhood were lost. The battle in question was such a travesty because it was a death trap designed by the corrupt leadership of The Brotherhood of the Light itself. They sent to hopeless battle nearly all their number...
  3. K

    A returning challenge!

    Thorador, As I recall, armor can not be brought in with you, but it can be found inside the room. If the rules remain the same, I believe your skills would assist the chosen wearer in donning the armor more speedily as well as in refitting. This challenge requires not only a broad base of...
  4. K


    I appreciate everything that you all did and sacrificed this weekend. I do not pretend to know what all of those things are, but I know that the Fae can sometimes exact harsh prices. However despite these trials and the Fae's efforts to divide us, there were many times that we worked together...
  5. K

    The Beacon #8

    Delivered during the past marketday... Fellow Citizens, My heart aches when brave spirits are weakened or lost when they could have been saved. I am not just referring to those terrible situations when only an insane gamble might bring about a successful rescue. I refer primarily to those...
  6. K

    Missing: Dan Plank

    James, I know you are concerned for Gorka, but when you arrive in Briarpass please remind me to talk to you about the danger in agreeing to unknown favors. -Kyrie
  7. K

    Providing Wards

    Re: Free Wards Lord Dunter, I've never heard of such a thing as a ward safe for Biata, but I admit to being intrigued. I may consider taking you up on your offer, perhaps after a demonstration? I look forward to meeting you and discussing this spell in more detail. If I still harbour doubts...
  8. K

    October Donation Needs (Updated as we go)

    For making packets... I use a coffee scoop to measure the bird seed. For the seed I use Millet, which is small and round. That seems to work pretty well.
  9. K


    Hey Rob, I sent my pre-reg in yesterday but I am not on your list. Just checking in. -Katie
  10. K

    In Memory of Lok

    Eric, If Lok's companions wish to discuss magical theory as it relates to the undead I am certain they will seek you out. Until then, I ask you to respectfully leave off this talk of liches and let these men remember their friend as he was. I would be very appreciative. Kyrie
  11. K

    Name that flick/song, etc.

    Serenity Do you not know that in the service one must always choose the lesser of two weevils.
  12. K

    New Earth Circle

    A full investment requires one of each. Any one of the three is sufficient for a short term investiture. Thank you very much Tarqaq. I will talk to you when I see you next. :)
  13. K

    New Earth Circle

    As many of you know, the Earth circle in Briarpass was recently destroyed. A new one is now in place however we have only been able to have a few people invested in it. We do have a scroll available for additional investments, however the specific components needed are in short supply. If...
  14. K

    Name that flick/song, etc.

    Braveheart "Be without fear in the face of your enemies. Be brave and upright that God may love thee. Speak the truth always, even if it leads to your death. Safeguard the helpless and do no wrong. That is your oath."
  15. K

    The Beacon #7

    Citizens of Wayside, When I wrote the sixth letter to you I thought that it would be my last. I have been ready these many weeks for the King’s judgement preparing for a great many things, yet the announcement he made this Founder’s Day I was not prepared for. My repayment for my many crimes...
  16. K

    Name that flick/song, etc.

    Hint: The lead actor in this movie is also in the previous movie.
  17. K


    I totally did! I will make sure to bring it to the next Chicago event and hopefully give it to you then. We will work it out. Let me know if you need the tag info for pre-reg or anything. Sorry! (and thank you very much for letting me borrow it! Being able to Spellstrike Disarm on those...
  18. K

    Name that flick/song, etc.

    Rounders "Are you completely corrupt!" "No, not completely..."
  19. K

    Food at the Event -- Read if you are eatin'!!

    Saturday Night choices Roast chicken Mashed potatoes Green Beans Sunday morning choices Breakfast sandwich (Egg and cheese, Bacon egg and cheese) hash browns English muffins Sunday Night meal choices Roast Pig Cheese Ravioli corn on the cob
  20. K

    Name that flick/song, etc.

    Waterworld We've an old proverb in England that says, "Those who sail without oars stay on good terms with the wind."