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  1. K

    Name that flick/song, etc.

  2. K

    Name that flick/song, etc.

    Bladerunner "Do you want to live forever?"
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    Name that flick/song, etc.

    Restart. This quote is in a play from which several movies have been made. Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune Or to take arms against a sea of troubles, And by opposing end them. To die, to sleep— No more—and by a sleep to say we end The...
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    Vote: Best Movie of 2009

    Here is my top 5 list for 2009: Avatar Taken Sherlock Holmes Watchmen Up I agree about "Up" being really touching.
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    Thank you El, I knew you would be able to find her. If you catch up to her before she gets to Arbor bring her by the bakery, it should be fairly close. I will get you both warmed and fed as quick as can be.
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    Thank you Enan, I really appreciate the work you are doing with the refugees. Fortunately Quilly is not one of them however. She is a friend from another land that I have visted with Eldandril, called Valdanis. She has several friends in the region and will not want for a place to stay. We...
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    Don't worry Quilly, we hear you. I think your Antie El is nearby. Stay safe and we will find you soon.
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    The loss of a dear sister

    Cerria's light was extinguished seeking a balance between light & shadow. It was a quest she tragically did not see the end of, though it's mantle has been taken up again. At least her struggle is ended.
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    Big Game Hunting

    Proprietor MacGregor, You and I have not yet met but I have heard of your efforts to help the people and adventurers of Gaden. Unexpectedly, my travels will be allowing me to visit Gaden in the very near future. I gladly offer my healing to aid in the battle against this lich. I will...
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    Going to the carnival with Quilly! Especially the Three Legged Race! Looking out at the woods and seeing flashes of green between the trees as Durl chases goblins Fireside chat with D, Quilly and Eldandril Gypsy singing Snow!
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    Marcena, I am not sure what gave you that impression. The tavern remains open and it is not up for sale.
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    I know I miss him already. He always looked after the townsfolk and often helped the adventurers. It was Jara who gave me someplace warm to sleep when I first came to Briarpass and I appreciated his kindness very much. He always made me feel welcome. Jara was a good friend to all of us and...
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    Weekend Thanks and Faves!

    It was great to finally get to a SoMN event! I had fun and hope I can get back sometime soon. A few highlights for me were: Gaden Style Dueling replacing regular one on one combat by in game request. Staying up late with Hengin & Ivan Milosh juggling The Dryad and the Gypsy discussing long...
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    Kyrie's Kreations - now taking orders!

    Greetings Briarpass! I've contracted with Jara to provide the tavern with desserts for market days. Some of you may have tried my tasty Butterskotch or Chokolate Ribbon Pies already! Next market day Kyrie's Kreations will be back with more yummy treats but I could use your help in deciding...
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    A Friendly Visit

    I wanted to thank the adventurers of the Fort Miller area for being so kind during my visit to Gaden. I felt most welcome during my stay and found more friends than I had expected. The tournament was interesting and your Gaden Style dueling was much more enjoyable than other duels I’ve...
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    LCO Effects Idea?

    I think having the LCO effects in written form is a good idea. I would love to have them available for reference. An alternative to printing copies for each player could be posting the LCO effects on the boards or website for everyone to read and players who want to print them out to carry for...
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    September Event - The Stats and More

    Here are a few of my highlights: -Being presented to Galleous…twice! -Hengin being Kyrie’s bodyguard -2 normal, 2 normal, 2 normal…Switch!...10 EARTH!...10 EARTH!... -Hiding in the dark with Simeon Rice -Fighting at the Granary -Light Well - puzzle was fun. Great job varying monster strength...
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    My Opinion on Guildmaster Rice

    I said nothing of thwarting our good magistrates or breaking any laws. I was merely stating my opinion on the matter. -Kyrie
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    Com'n Back

    I'm very glad you are returning to Briarpass Hengin! See you soon!
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    My Opinion on Guildmaster Rice

    Re: Wanted Necromancer at Large I agree that each time one chooses to cast Necromancy its dark taint permeates the spirit. Even if it is cast only once or it is not cast for many years – Necromancy has been cast and it can not be uncast. What is important to remember is that Guild Master...