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  1. Grianadhmad

    March 24th Best Roleplayer Poll

    I have to third Ardos, for the reasons above, and for awesomely playing out our retconned family connexion after we'd only really sent 2 DMs back and forth about it beforehand.
  2. Grianadhmad

    «I have all I need. On to Dragonreach.» - Ilarion Earthdream

    «I have all I need. On to Dragonreach.» - Ilarion Earthdream
  3. Grianadhmad

    10 % Project

    Yet. You don't get to meet him yet. ;)
  4. Grianadhmad

    10 % Project

    I might have outdone the 10% since I not only improved my Traverse dryad character's costume but also created a selunari character for SoMi and developed a costume for him. When I get a chance to take some pictures I will post them, but I'm very excited with how it's all turned out thus far.
  5. Grianadhmad

    May have a fight on our hands

    Good sir pyke, news of this transgression of freedoms has only just reached me and i am loathe to allow it to continue. If you wish for assistance, either in investigating or correcting the problem, i am headed out of the unhindered lands and into dragonreach to see the state of things for...
  6. Grianadhmad

    Rides to March Opener

    Just to put out here so nobody thinks I'm still looking - I have a ride. Thanks Jared!
  7. Grianadhmad

    Rides to March Opener

    Throwing out a general inquiry for anyone that could meet me halfway to SoMi, or halfway to Traverse, and carpool down. I do work at a church Sunday mornings so I would have to be able to drive back Saturday night but it's okay if that's a drive at midnight ;) I can survive on little sleep. And...
  8. Grianadhmad

    Alliance for Newbies

    Oh, I absolutely agree. There are a few places already, and a number of places I'm sure in the future, where I flat-out say, "I'm not addressing this here, please read the actual rule book."
  9. Grianadhmad

    Alliance for Newbies

    Glad I came back to check your note when I went to write an editing comment on the manual, I didn't see you had edited this right away! :) Thank you.
  10. Grianadhmad

    Alliance for Newbies

    Hello all! I've been working on a completely unofficial, n00b-friendly companion to the official Alliance LARP Rule Book which I've appropriately titled "Alliance for Newbies." It is, of course, veeeeeeeeeeeery far from finished, but I'd like to put what little I have written out there for any...
  11. Grianadhmad

    Player's Guide Story Competion 2018

    Newbie wishes he had been around to submit something ;)
  12. Grianadhmad

    Magic Culture: Celestial and Earth

    I had never thought of it the way you just explained it, unnatural extension of life. That's interesting to think about. At the last event Traverse had, my dryad character was arguing with another one that necromancy violated the cycle of life because instead of the dead/decomposing feeding and...
  13. Grianadhmad

    Twenty Planes

    I don't actually intend that Ilarion is really going to know about any of these planes, except the basic elemental and magisterium, and probably radiance. His familia wasn't very concerned with extraplanar occurrences and he's been fairly uninvolved in Dragonreach's affairs up until now. But...
  14. Grianadhmad

    Twenty Planes

    Awesome! Thank you both for the diagram and the heads-up about the players guide! :)
  15. Grianadhmad

    Twenty Planes

    Wonderful, thank you. I had Steam as Fire+Water because that's what the Players Guide listed, but putting it as Water+Air would eliminate the random combination of two opposing elements lol.
  16. Grianadhmad

    Twenty Planes

    I'm reading through the Dragonsreach Players Guide in advance of joining you all this year, and trying to wrap my head around several things. Could anyone help me fill out the missing five marks here on this chart? These are the elemental planes. I wasn't able to set down where Ice and...
  17. Grianadhmad

    Ilarion Wants Weapons

    Well actually he doesn't but he understands the necessity of carrying them My work schedule and my toddler daughter don't allow me the luxury of a lot of weaponcrafting, so I'm hoping I can pay someone to craft some for me? :P I'm looking for a shortsword (maybe 32" long, no more than 3 feet)...
  18. Grianadhmad

    Magic Culture: Celestial and Earth

    I was going to respond and then quickly realised that you're right. It took me a while to actually think of any semi-decent connexion / explanation. I suppose, Earth Magic tends to concern itself with the cycle of life, as in Gaea's lifeforce, and that the power of earth itself is anathema to...
  19. Grianadhmad

    Second Character

    AAAAH, I get you now. Thanks! What happens then when I'm ready to play as that character... do I just transfer him to TC, or register as being from the other chapter?
  20. Grianadhmad

    Second Character

    Okay. I ask forgiveness for what might be some stupid questions ^_^ I only have the one character currently (Grianadhmad), so this upcoming fellow (Ilarion) would be my first one to blanket until I'm ready to start playing him. I can see the advantage of "housing" characters beyond two in other...