Twenty Planes


I'm reading through the Dragonsreach Players Guide in advance of joining you all this year, and trying to wrap my head around several things. Could anyone help me fill out the missing five marks here on this chart? These are the elemental planes.

I wasn't able to set down where Ice and Lightning were, and the ones I'm missing are Stone+Air, Water+Air (both paraelemental?); Death+Air , Life+Air, and Life+Water (all quasielemental?).

@ClockworkPhilosopher it probably didn't help that my original post I mislabeled the ones I was "missing" - I meant life+water, not death+water, but thank you lol

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Stone+Air - Doesn't exist to my knowledge
Water+air - Steam
Life+Air - Lightning
Death+Air - Vacuum
Death+Water - Salt

Ice - Water+Life. Weird I know. Honestly Banradi knows more than I do, and I can't make heads or tails of your diagram, especially because not including the Prime plane there are 18 planes.

That's at least what I have for my limited knowledge.

EDIT: I did not realize this was an OOG thread but I'll keep it.

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Wonderful, thank you. I had Steam as Fire+Water because that's what the Players Guide listed, but putting it as Water+Air would eliminate the random combination of two opposing elements lol.
Awesome! Thank you both for the diagram and the heads-up about the players guide! :)
Although this stuff is in the players guide, this is totally a conversation that'd be great to have in game. Players can probably put forth a lot more information comfortably then they can or should here out of game.
I don't actually intend that Ilarion is really going to know about any of these planes, except the basic elemental and magisterium, and probably radiance. His familia wasn't very concerned with extraplanar occurrences and he's been fairly uninvolved in Dragonreach's affairs up until now. But out-of-game I'm a huge nerd so I just wanted to get a good handle on how the planes all related to each other.