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  1. Itaeo

    Wyldekin Questions

    Thanks Toddo, I'll do that.
  2. Itaeo

    Questions about submitting a character

    Is there a official template to follow when submitting a character to your local chapter? Or is it just up to you how you present it? It would really help if someone could clarify this for me. I want to do this right. thanks!
  3. Itaeo

    Wyldekin Questions

    I'm so sorry for starting all this controversy...I only meant to ask a question- did I ask on the wrong forum? If so can someone direct me to the one I should have posted on?
  4. Itaeo

    Help understanding some things please!

    Oh dear! I'm so sorry to hear about your impending demise- but thank you for the information!
  5. Itaeo

    Help understanding some things please!

    Hello All, I have a question regarding some of the abbreviations used on this site. Now the common ones like: PC- Playable character NPC- non playable character IG- in game OOG- out of game These I get but there are a ton of others I have no idea what they mean - for example, Rez, Rezzed, and...
  6. Itaeo

    Wylderkin boots

    For a more practical boot, (for the cleft hoof Wyldekin) You might try a Tabi boot. They are made for Tabi-socks, The Japanese thick sock worn with sandels in traditional garb. They come in usually brown, black or white and have cleft toes- now I have never worn them but they look hooflike and...
  7. Itaeo


    Hello Everyone, I am a brand new Larper just starting out- now when I say new I mean really new. Just wanting to introduce myself- I'm Itaeo, I'm hopefully going to start with some NPC characters before trying my hand at a PC, hopefully a Wyldekin. Any advice, tips and tricks or suggestions...
  8. Itaeo

    Wyldekin Questions

    Thanks for the Advice KyleSchmelz- I was already going to go for a heavily eastern inspired costume for my Character. Mixing Chinese, Mongolian, and Japanese influences, but the ideas for the armor and sword are REALLY cool- I hadn't even thought about the armor yet so thanks! And kalindra-...
  9. Itaeo

    Wyldekin Questions

    Hello Everyone, I am a new Role player (As in the newest of newbs) I am hopefully going to join the Deadlands chapter and I have some questions about Wyldekin.I see Bearkin are allowed, but I was wondering if different Species of bear are permissible or is it only a classic brown bear? I am...