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  1. KialdaLoa

    Dryad Questions

    Howdy!! I looove playing my barkskin dryad! I am hoping my above post works correctly and you see three images of my costume variations! Honestly, my favorite thing about dryad costume is changing leaf color/flowers for each season. I have thick leaves for summer, flowers for spring, and orange...
  2. KialdaLoa

    Dryad Questions

  3. KialdaLoa

    The earth is angry.

    ((The voice is distant, calm, and sincere)) Brother... Sister... In the dream realm my mind is clouded, but I feel your anger. I see you. I am listening. Know that my memories upon waking are always hazy... but I want to listen. I want to learn. Already I have prepared myself for...
  4. KialdaLoa

    LARP QUESTION TUESDAY: Favorite Villain

    JADE SKELETON!! He was just so masterfully conceived and played, props to Collin and Tom! He was a manipulative, tragic, "helpful, benevolent" abhorrent necromancer. He targeted my slow-paced, zealot, insecure dryad character specifically, as well as a handful of other new-ish characters...
  5. KialdaLoa


    Hey there, you beautiful people. <3 I can't possibly express enough just how thankful I am for all the hard work everyone puts into this crazy hobby and irreplaceable community. Y'all make life magical, and I appreciate it so much. Collin, Donna, and Kyle especially. Tom and Erika and Mike, too...
  6. KialdaLoa

    October favorites

    What a phenomenal event, personally and globally! I can't thank everyone enough - the rock star NPCs, the dedicated and passionate staff, and the PCs who tolerate my terribly angry and rude Cheetah. This is a fantastic community and I'm so thankful for the chance to play your game! Here are...
  7. KialdaLoa

    September Event Favourites

    Hey folks! SO MANY THANKS to the hard-working NPCs and staff, and also to the PCs who dealt with my rude, anxious cheetah baby all weekend! I hope y'all know I love you OOG!!! :) -Evan's "STUPID ARROGANT EVIL LION" who actually ended up putting in effort to win her over, so we fought and it got...
  8. KialdaLoa

    August event pre-registration CLOSED

    Please switch my pre-reg from PC to NPC. Thanks! ~Susie G
  9. KialdaLoa

    For HQ July - Re: Masquerade Ball

    Oh man oh man there are way too many amazing leafy dryad masks in the world, I have no idea where to start or what to doooo! Anyone with good mask insights, point me in a good direction maybe? Thanks! :D
  10. KialdaLoa

    June Event Favorites!

    I haven't been this excited for things like writing out my favorites, downtime roleplay, and figuring out an IBGA for a long while. The intensity of this weekend lingers in a positive way. I can't even put my finger on exactly how this happened. I think it was just the perfect blend of non-stop...
  11. KialdaLoa

    June event pre-registration: CLOSED

    Howdy! Sorry for the confusion, but I (Susie G) will actually be PCing Alda, I believe. (There is a chance I'll take an NPC shift on Friday night, though! Depending on when we get in!) Thanks! :)
  12. KialdaLoa

    April event pre-registration CLOSED

    Hey friends, I'm terribly sorry, but it is 99% likely that I can't make this event at all, now. :( Please remove Susie Guarino from the list and store the credit. Alda will be around a lot more this year, I just can't make this one. I miss y'all!
  13. KialdaLoa

    October closer favorites!

    Man, what an intense weekend. Many many thanks to NPCs and staff! My first favorite is more of an oog thank you to everyone in the cabin or in the bathroom who listened to me rant about Nikhujo and her angst. I love playing her, but she is so full of hate that it really burns me out unless I...
  14. KialdaLoa

    may event favorites

    Better late than never, indeed! Sorry, folks! Please know that I absolutely loved this event and I seriously appreciate all staff and NPCs - y'all put on a ROCKING awesome show, tell a great story, and kick serious butt!! Plot details were unfortunately somewhat difficult to follow, but I...
  15. KialdaLoa

    We Are One

    Prolon, my friend, I will do whatever I can to stand with you. To the best of my ability, as an advocate of the Forest and a Child of Autumn who speaks on behalf of the Earth Mother herself, I believe in reeducation. As one who has traveled to the southern Gorbe Kingdoms with old friends of...
  16. KialdaLoa

    Pre-reg for Ashbury April event: CLOSED

    Alas, I will be quite late, and this weekend is a bit crazy... but Alda is there from Saturday night onwards! Gotta do everything I can to make it to the opener! And a million thanks in advanced to my wonderful, handsome, amazing, charming fiance, who is gonna help me out with the crazy...
  17. KialdaLoa

    Opener favorites!

    I seriously love this chapter. Thanks to everyone who works hard and plays hard here! My favorite thing is being given the opportunity to play some challenging cards. I still consider myself pretty new to this game, (can I say that after 4 years? I think that's still pretty new, right?) so...
  18. KialdaLoa

    Carpool LATE for April opener?

    This is a huge, huge long shot. But I have terribly important plans terribly far away for April 26th. Does anyone plan on passing through southern PA at approx. 5pm on Saturday night and wanna carpool me the rest of the way to the site? Gaahhhh, such dislike of this conflict!! I really wanna...
  19. KialdaLoa

    Legal Check

    Howdy! Can't say that I'm a weapons marshal, and I've never made my own items for fighting, but I have two cents, if you'd like to hear :) I think we have a lot of talented folks who play this game who could make you an amazing looking Imladari shields for a fraction of the cost. A shield...
  20. KialdaLoa

    Alda Child of Autumn

    (A fragile and faint voice is heard, sounding focused through meditation, not dreaming.) ... Santet? Inspiration?? Very strange, hearing such foreign and great voices directed towards me in my sleeping hours! This communication is difficult for me. My memory often fails upon waking. But...