Search results

  1. Willem Rivet

    Ways to MAKE gold with the Dragons Hoard

    Absolutely! And I still have more room if others wanted to sell me theirs! -Joseph
  2. Willem Rivet

    Ways to MAKE gold with the Dragons Hoard

    By now you've seen how devastatingly beautiful our wares are and how easily one can be made poor by the Lure of the Shiny. What you might not know is that you can use the shop to also INCREASE your wealth! Glassblowers are rare, we'll buy your empty potion vials at 5 copper each! -- (OOG: We...
  3. Willem Rivet

    Kingdom Significant Tasks

    13, If the bandits are just money-poor or looking for work, I can get them legitimate paying jobs. Can you keep an eye out for opportunities for recruiting a few good soldiers? -Joseph
  4. Willem Rivet

    May 4th-6th Weekend Feedback

    I'm usually the one running games, rather than playing, so I tend to think from a plot point of view. My first thought (and this may already be the case, this is literally the first conversation on the topic I'm part of) is to make the Guilds responsible for an ongoing resource that PCs desire...
  5. Willem Rivet

    May 4th-6th Weekend Feedback

    Hello all! I had such a good time this event. Specifically, I went from swinging 2s to swinging 8s, and that was a big adjustment for me. My joke is always that no matter who you are, you can kill me if you try, and that simply isn't true anymore. I REALLY liked being a threat. I engaged with...
  6. Willem Rivet

    The Dragon Hoard services and specialties

    Hello all! As I've decided to move permanently to your lands I'm looking to gather information on what services and specialties are needed in Dragonreach so I can determine what is within my means to provide. Things I've done in the past: Blacksmith services (Including providing armor and...