Kingdom Significant Tasks



This gathering I was made sharply aware of all of the efforts that are still outstanding, that cannot be left idly standing without attention. I've compiled a list below (and have reviewed it with some of the other adventurers) and believe this to be a list of items that if left unattended will cause significant problems moving forward.

I've provided a brief description of each issue, however there is substantially more in-depth information on every one of these topics, that could not be fit into a dreaming such as this, so please reach out if one of these tasks peaks your interest.
  • Elemental War
    • While Elemental Wars happen from time to time, this war was artificially started by the Planar Knights.
    • There are two organizations involved in this, the Planar Knights and the Guild of the Gifted.
      • The Guild of the Gifted believes in keeping our current cosmology and ensuring that all planes are balanced.
      • The Planar Knights are attempting to restructure the current composition of the planes. While their plan may work, the effort required to change the cosmology would cause unnecessary danger.
    • Work Needed: Investigate how we can stop the elemental war (Talk to sentient elementals, the opposing organizations, etc.)
  • Stonerest
    • Stonerest is a city in the Borderlands, that is teeming with Oni.
    • Work Needed: Inside Stonerest is a forge that allows some Oni to never need to worry about resurrecting. This needs to be destroyed.
  • Finis Autem Magia
    • This is a group of people who oppose magic, especially that which is unnatural or dangerous. They have been an ally to Dragonreach, and are asking for payment to continue the work that they do for the kingdom.
    • Work Needed: Deliver two magic items (Elibeth's Hourglass and Starblaze), as well as 4 additional favors in return for the extension they provided.
  • Jared Silverstar
    • Jared Silverstar is a leader that inspires common folk to fight effectively. While not a noble, he works to ensure the kingdom is safe.
    • Although we rescued Jared Silverstar from the Thirsters (a group of people who drink Dragon Blood), he hasn't been seen in some time. Instead, other people that work for Jared have been coming to town, where as Jared usually comes to visit directly.
    • Work Needed: Investigate the location of where Jared Silverstar is and potentially aide in his recovery.
  • Mycanoids
    • These are moss creatures from the Underdark that are rampantly spreading on the surface. They spread/grow faster in wetter environments, and have infected water supplies. Alchemy usually destroys them outright.
    • Work Needed: Prevent the continued spread of these creatures, and kill off current infestations.
  • Rising Tensions With Alacar
    • Alacar is a nation far to the north west of Kundirk that has been subtly creating unrest within Dragonreach. In size, they outnumber Dragonreach 10 or 20 to 1. War is not an option.
    • Work Needed: Learn more about the secretive nature of the kingdom, and potentially attempt to make peace with Alacar.
  • Order of the Black Eye
    • The Order of the Black Eye are icons of emotion. So far, we've met Patience, Greed, Anger, and Compassion
    • Work Needed: Understand the intentions of this group.
  • The Borderlands
    • The Boardlands is a mist pocket attached to Kundirk that contains Thorcryf (a duchy of Dragonreach), the Freygerd Nation (a group of Biata that fight well but have lousy weapons), Thomm (also known as Troll Daddy, an ally to the adventurers), Stonerest (mentioned earlier), and many other things.
    • Work Needed: The Borderlands is currently splitting apart from Kundirk. We need to determine if we would like to keep our allies and prevent this from happening, or if we want to get rid of some of these problems, we can investigate accelerating its separation.
  • Sir/Paleface
    • Sir (aka Paleface) is a creature with no eyes that used to interact with the adventurers a number of years ago, but has since disappeared. This creature seems to only be interested in the fall of man, and has some connection to the Winter Fae Court
    • Work Needed: Understand more about this creature, their intentions, and how they fit together as a part of the overall problems we've been facing.
Please let me know if you have any interest in dealing with these tasks, and I will start reaching out to you with more information on the matter (as there is far too much information to put into this dreaming). In addition, I will be attempting to understand how all of these problems fit together.

Lastly, I would ask that your priorities are to focus on these items as opposed to other personal or smaller matters.

Safe Travels,
Banradi Irani Moduri Newberry
I know there is a group of us invested in the Borderlands, but at this time, dealing more specifically with the Freyguard, as they are most not certainly lousy armed now and have kobolds of both tribes captives as well as Scavengers. I have spoken to you previously on this matter and my opinion hasn't changed. I know when I discussed the matters with other powers, there seemed to be a great deal of "on the fence". These magics are beyond my skill at the moment to all these peoples, even if they are humans and biata as well, to unknown fates of this "separation".

Secondly, Moonless Nights is continuing to pursue bandit issues we are charged with and at the time this our focus. Of course, if information of these issues crosses our path or aligns even, will share those outcomes.

I have been tasked with the Mycanoids and started investing into alchemy to combat them. I will need all who can throw gasses and swing a stick to push through and find a end to them. This will be a task not for the next market day but the one following.

The brotherhood
Banditry is typically the outcome of a larger issue... Lack of access to job opportunities, poverty, and so on. I would encourage the Moonless Nights to think of what could be causing these bandit problems, as any one of the above problems could be the source of the issues you've seen. Thank you for your update on the Freygurd, and if you still wish to keep The Borderlands here, let us continue to discuss.

There are a number of locations that the Mycanoids are encroaching. If you're looking for specific places to investigate (I would suggest doing so), there are two locations I can provide you with.
  • One is to the North of Koroshi, where they have decimated a group of river pirates, and have infected the northern water supply as a result.
  • Preventatively, there is a large body of water in the Underdark under the County of Brunston that likely is filled with these Mycanoid creatures. Nothing has happened there yet, but I would not be surprised hearing of an attack from there soon.

I know. We just ate the smaller fish and onto the next fish. Our mission is to find the source. So far the initial banditry has been former troops that fought in the war against Bleak no longer having a calling and lost. But there are forces at play with deep pockets helping direct the discord. Unchecked, this issue will create issues to weakened the kingdom to the numerous issues listed.

Would love to sit down and discuss the borderlands. I believe Nyio, Ardos, Mathis, and I are about to assault the Freyguard between Markets that we might get a better idea where they are receiving their arms. I would not be surprised to see Oni presence involved.


If the bandits are just money-poor or looking for work, I can get them legitimate paying jobs. Can you keep an eye out for opportunities for recruiting a few good soldiers?


I have reached out to a number of you regarding these tasks, and believe we have come up with a plan for addressing a few of these issues this upcoming gather.

1. Meet with Finis Autem Magia.
2. Due to the extension negotiated with Finis, Naomi and I will need to complete some favors as a result. We may need additional resources to complete them after the meeting.
3. Head into Stonerest to destroy the Forge, to prevent the Oni in contact with it from living eternally.
  • As we are still working on a way to access this forge directly, we have an alternate plan below
3 (alternate). Destroy the mycanoid outcropping in the mines from the previous gathering.
4. Time for groups to do as they wish (perhaps start Saturday morning/day activities early if time permits)

Morning & Day:
This will be more of an open slot, where we would like individual groups to take up specific tasks and be in charge of them.
  • Elementals:
    • The Pride - I know you were looking to speak with Monolith last gather. Do you think you could discuss with him, and perhaps Torrent as well during this time?
  • Alacar:
    • There are a number of people interested in the progress of this. So far, I have heard interest from myself, Avacyn, Joseph, and Ardos.
  • Silverstar's Legion:
    • Between gathers, a large group attempted to see Silverstar but got turned away. Perhaps we can negotiate with them further during the gather.
  • Other Groups (Time Permitting - Order of the Black Thorn, Winter Fae Court):
    • These are available to be dealt with as well if we have extra resources.
1. There has been a rising number of people interested in keeping the Borderlands attached to Kundirk. In order to address this, there is a main obelisk that appears to be in charge of attaching/reattaching this fragment of mist. I have not visited this one in particular, but I should be able to manipulate this obelisk and connect them to the network to serve as Waymaker Stones, thus allowing greater travel to and from the Borderlands, as well as keeping it from detaching.
  • Based off of previous excursions to a separate obelisk, this will likely require a number of fighters as well as those who are good at research.
2. Time for groups to do as they wish (perhaps follow up on Morning/Day activities)

Please express any concerns (and an alternate plan) if you have any issue with this one.

Safe Travels,
Mathis, Ardos, Lukas, and I lead forces against Freyguard. Somehow they managed to hold our assault and even push back.

Silverstar's forces along with Cyn came as a surprise reinforcement. He has asked us to complete to tasks as we continue to press against the Freyguard. He seemed fine and waved, just you know, busy warring.

Would be eager to help with the obelisk.

13 is correct, we will need to allocate time to complete these contracts during this market. Perhaps if someone wanted to try to talk to Jared, it would be best when we go deliver news that we have completed the contracts. It should also be mentioned that with where they are in thorncryf, it is unlikely that you would be able to walk there during the market without some method of faster travel.
It should also be noted that without these fast traveling methods, it will be difficult to reach the forge or the myconid mines, as both are hundreds of miles away from the nearest stone as far as I remember. This pushes the obelisk to something higher in priority if those are issues we want to deal with.
Ardos Irani
I don't believe the Myconid mine was in Thorncryf. I thought it was up in the lands that border Alacar.
I agree it was far way from the closest stone, but I don't think the obelisks will help in that respect.

Sorry I meant the borderlands as I thought it was in the shield bearer mountains. The purpose of figuring out the obelisk was to try to tap in to a waystone-like travel network. If I am wrong I do remember that it was a several day walk there either way. There are certainly other ways to get there though, so if anyone has a way we can add it back to the list.
Ardos Irani
Thank you all for your information.

The forge is within Stonerest. The difficulty there is getting to the appropriate level, not the actual distance.

My understanding was that the mine was near Springdale, but if getting to that is also difficult, then it may be advantageous to spend our time Friday night acting on the obelisks instead of worrying about travel. Unfortunately, this will also likely take some time to get there.

3. Head into Stonerest to destroy the Forge, to prevent the Oni in contact with it from living eternally.

We could also allow Kundirk to just float away. Perhaps a better use of our time is relocating refugees before the detachment.

I am alright with having the Borderlands leave Kundirk as well, however my understanding was that there was growing support to keep it here.

If not, then I agree we should spend our time focusing on other tasks.

I voice my support for it leaving, if you are taking the vote.

Well, considering I have friends, companions, and someone I owe a life debt to living there, not to mention hundreds of people who are citizens of dragonreach, I am going to have to vote that they stay.
Ardos Irani
I will create a separate discussion on this matter. Let us stick with keeping this aligned with coming up with a plan for this upcoming gather, so that we can spend our time acting on things as opposed to delegating.

Goodness! That is quite the laundry list of tasks! It seems my timing is once again on point. I'd be happy to lend whatever skills I have to assist in these matters, though to be honest, there's not a lot of skills to offer.
I've got a sword and know which end goes into the bad guy, and reading the written word isn't too tough, but I'm pretty sure fighting orcs or wolves would be a challenge, and I may need some help sounding out some of the larger words.

I've not much use for coin as it tends to weigh one down (physically and mentally really) but I am an eager student and willing to learn how to be better at this kind of lifestyle.

Safe travels and don't forget to wash behind your ears!

Red Rapscallion
You are certainly overqualified in a number of these tasks, Red. Thank you for willing to lend a hand.
