This gathering I was made sharply aware of all of the efforts that are still outstanding, that cannot be left idly standing without attention. I've compiled a list below (and have reviewed it with some of the other adventurers) and believe this to be a list of items that if left unattended will cause significant problems moving forward.
I've provided a brief description of each issue, however there is substantially more in-depth information on every one of these topics, that could not be fit into a dreaming such as this, so please reach out if one of these tasks peaks your interest.
Lastly, I would ask that your priorities are to focus on these items as opposed to other personal or smaller matters.
Safe Travels,
Banradi Irani Moduri Newberry
This gathering I was made sharply aware of all of the efforts that are still outstanding, that cannot be left idly standing without attention. I've compiled a list below (and have reviewed it with some of the other adventurers) and believe this to be a list of items that if left unattended will cause significant problems moving forward.
I've provided a brief description of each issue, however there is substantially more in-depth information on every one of these topics, that could not be fit into a dreaming such as this, so please reach out if one of these tasks peaks your interest.
- Elemental War
- While Elemental Wars happen from time to time, this war was artificially started by the Planar Knights.
- There are two organizations involved in this, the Planar Knights and the Guild of the Gifted.
- The Guild of the Gifted believes in keeping our current cosmology and ensuring that all planes are balanced.
- The Planar Knights are attempting to restructure the current composition of the planes. While their plan may work, the effort required to change the cosmology would cause unnecessary danger.
- Work Needed: Investigate how we can stop the elemental war (Talk to sentient elementals, the opposing organizations, etc.)
- Stonerest
- Stonerest is a city in the Borderlands, that is teeming with Oni.
- Work Needed: Inside Stonerest is a forge that allows some Oni to never need to worry about resurrecting. This needs to be destroyed.
- Finis Autem Magia
- This is a group of people who oppose magic, especially that which is unnatural or dangerous. They have been an ally to Dragonreach, and are asking for payment to continue the work that they do for the kingdom.
- Work Needed: Deliver two magic items (Elibeth's Hourglass and Starblaze), as well as 4 additional favors in return for the extension they provided.
- Jared Silverstar
- Jared Silverstar is a leader that inspires common folk to fight effectively. While not a noble, he works to ensure the kingdom is safe.
- Although we rescued Jared Silverstar from the Thirsters (a group of people who drink Dragon Blood), he hasn't been seen in some time. Instead, other people that work for Jared have been coming to town, where as Jared usually comes to visit directly.
- Work Needed: Investigate the location of where Jared Silverstar is and potentially aide in his recovery.
- Mycanoids
- These are moss creatures from the Underdark that are rampantly spreading on the surface. They spread/grow faster in wetter environments, and have infected water supplies. Alchemy usually destroys them outright.
- Work Needed: Prevent the continued spread of these creatures, and kill off current infestations.
- Rising Tensions With Alacar
- Alacar is a nation far to the north west of Kundirk that has been subtly creating unrest within Dragonreach. In size, they outnumber Dragonreach 10 or 20 to 1. War is not an option.
- Work Needed: Learn more about the secretive nature of the kingdom, and potentially attempt to make peace with Alacar.
- Order of the Black Eye
- The Order of the Black Eye are icons of emotion. So far, we've met Patience, Greed, Anger, and Compassion
- Work Needed: Understand the intentions of this group.
- The Borderlands
- The Boardlands is a mist pocket attached to Kundirk that contains Thorcryf (a duchy of Dragonreach), the Freygerd Nation (a group of Biata that fight well but have lousy weapons), Thomm (also known as Troll Daddy, an ally to the adventurers), Stonerest (mentioned earlier), and many other things.
- Work Needed: The Borderlands is currently splitting apart from Kundirk. We need to determine if we would like to keep our allies and prevent this from happening, or if we want to get rid of some of these problems, we can investigate accelerating its separation.
- Sir/Paleface
- Sir (aka Paleface) is a creature with no eyes that used to interact with the adventurers a number of years ago, but has since disappeared. This creature seems to only be interested in the fall of man, and has some connection to the Winter Fae Court
- Work Needed: Understand more about this creature, their intentions, and how they fit together as a part of the overall problems we've been facing.
Lastly, I would ask that your priorities are to focus on these items as opposed to other personal or smaller matters.
Safe Travels,
Banradi Irani Moduri Newberry