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  1. Willem Rivet

    APG: Alliance Players Guide Beta Feedback

    Earlier I posted that the Human introduction was lacking, and posted a replacement. Here is a version 2 of that same suggestion (with a little polish.) Human "Humans don't have one defined culture or history in Fortannis. You are just as likely to find humans mining with Dwarves as streaking...
  2. Willem Rivet

    2019 Donations

    Are you still only looking for neutral colors, or everything?
  3. Willem Rivet

    Chaos Portal MagicItems - Bidding will Open on June 6th at Noon(ish) update with close

    "He thinks you have little gold left to bid with, that it is a sign you are nearing the end of your stamina. Prove him wrong, Val."
  4. Willem Rivet

    Chaos Portal MagicItems - Bidding will Open on June 6th at Noon(ish) update with close

    I am withdrawing from the bidding. These are good items, just not for me. Good luck everyone.
  5. Willem Rivet


    The Dragon Hoard is always looking for Copper and Silver. We will pay you the next step up for 9 pieces of either. -Joseph
  6. Willem Rivet

    So let's talk about Steepfall (what'd we call it again?)

    Banradi- Thank you for that. As soon as I build some reinforced housing, I may need your ability to transfer families en masse. Lord Lukas might want to transfer military units in groups for safety purposes. Blue- Don't sweat it. We're all learning as we go. I also like "Sarr's Hollow" as a...
  7. Willem Rivet

    So...I have gas.

    So noted. ...I take it you don't have gas? -Joseph
  8. Willem Rivet

    Looking for Cure Wounds potions.

    Adventurers! ... Yeah, really not a whole lot to creatively add to this. Potions. I want them. I'll give you a fair price on them. This is part of the Steepfall effort. I'd prefer donations, but I'll start out this way if it works better. -Joseph Smith
  9. Willem Rivet

    So...I have gas.

    Adventurers, I have been known to overshare at times. This isn't one of those times. I have a bunch of gas globes (but could still use more) and now I'm looking for Gas Traps to make better use of them. If you, or a "friend" you know, can provide Gas Traps I'm looking to buy. If you have the...
  10. Willem Rivet

    Chaos Portal Groups-Look at me!!

    I was there, both times.
  11. Willem Rivet

    So let's talk about Steepfall (what'd we call it again?)

    As an update: Celestial Guild: I have spoken to Guildmaster Gend of the Celestial Guilds. As of yet, he does not believe anyone should officially be in charge of the Celestial Guild of Steepfall because there isn't much of a guild there to manage, or surroundings to serve. I still intend to...
  12. Willem Rivet

    Highlights from May 31- June 2!

    My top 5: 5: The realization that a 90 point slay is probably overkill in most instances. 4: Lighting the stoop. 3: Being offered a title and being like "...hmm. Maybe. I'll think about it." 2: Helping inspire the group after the failed Chaos portal mission for a second try. 1: "Take me...
  13. Willem Rivet

    Short story: Light a candle

    Hey all. Wrote a story about Joseph's resurrection a game back: " The battle clashed all about him as he blinked in a moment of perfect stillness. In this dark night, he had felt warm. Maybe it was the fight. Maybe it was rousing speech. There was a purpose driving him onward. Then, in a...
  14. Willem Rivet

    A call for aid! Yonkie need YOU!

    Yonkie, As a resident Master Blacksmith of Dragonreach, I'd be happy to make your thrown weapons. In the future, please post up your needs well before the market. There's actually quite a bit of effort that goes into my craft. And since it might not be well known, the standard rate for having a...
  15. Willem Rivet

    APG: Alliance Players Guide Beta Feedback

    As a note, this doesn't seem to include the crafting update. This makes sense, in that the crafting update isn't released yet, but doesn't make sense in that it is a revamping of crafting skills and should be a written part of the final 2.0 book. -JT
  16. Willem Rivet

    Selling Celestial Scrolls!

    Goodman Gideon, Emric charges Double Production unless he has to use a further batch to produce a custom request. -Joseph Smith
  17. Willem Rivet

    APG: Alliance Players Guide Beta Feedback

    "I respectfully disagree. In this cast the RP can be negated if the recipient does not feel comfortable as this it a metal ability so it already has a check in place and they can cut of the effect before it need to be RP. As an example to retain the emotion. Just in the last game I played. I...
  18. Willem Rivet

    APG: Alliance Players Guide Beta Feedback

    Page 74, under Mental Abilities: " Plant False Emotions / Repair Emotions(Stone Elf) Level needed: 12; Racial XP needed: 12 With this ability, a Stone Elf can plant false emotions in the minds of their recipients. These false emotions can be limited to specific causes; for instance, the stone...
  19. Willem Rivet

    APG: Alliance Players Guide Beta Feedback

    I believe this was caught earlier, but page 62, monster abilities "<Type> Block" "<Type> Block: This monster ability will stop the first applicable attack that would affect the creature. This is a “dumb defense” in that the monster cannot choose when to use it. Any attack that falls under the...
  20. Willem Rivet

    APG: Alliance Players Guide Beta Feedback

    On page 57, under Riposting Blow: "He is attack by an enemy" should read "he is attacked by an enemy" -JT