Willem Rivet
So let's talk Steepfall.
Tactically, this is a choke point on those who would use the Waymaker Network to travel from Allacar to Dragonreach. Agents from Allacar have made multiple efforts to poison Steepfall and make it uninhabitable. The worst of it was mitigated by the adventuring community, but as this is the most extended permanent community of Dragonreach (at least most extended towards Allacar) I think politically, it is important to fortify the area. Morally speaking, the populace has little to no resources from the Crown. As Ser Simon said this was to become an adventuring outpost, I think it's up to us to organize a lasting line of defense there. I'm hoping to begin this discussion and see who wants to be part of it. Then we can talk methods. In order of perceived importance:
Two things we need and I can't speak to: A Celestial Guild and an Earth Guild. The circles are up, so to my understanding that's a big hurdle out of the way. Could those of you that are involved in those guilds in Valborough talk to your superiors and figure out leaders for the Steepfall guilds?
Two other things I personally think we need: Town Guards that can handle non-adventurer problems, and a Merchant's Guild to handle economic matters. I'd like those two things to be separate. I've seen Merchants' Guilds that were also in charge of security of an area before and that way can invite corruption of authority. The goal of both of these organizations would be twofold: to service the populace and watch against sabotage from the Kingdom of Allacar.
Something that we might like to do is establish a Library for the area. When you can research your own solutions, you become self-sufficient. This would be a method of helping the settlement prosper.
To that end, establishing Trade Guilds that oversee instruction in fields of crafting might be something to consider. First thoughts go to Masonry, Carpentry and Blacksmithing.
-Joseph Smith
Tactically, this is a choke point on those who would use the Waymaker Network to travel from Allacar to Dragonreach. Agents from Allacar have made multiple efforts to poison Steepfall and make it uninhabitable. The worst of it was mitigated by the adventuring community, but as this is the most extended permanent community of Dragonreach (at least most extended towards Allacar) I think politically, it is important to fortify the area. Morally speaking, the populace has little to no resources from the Crown. As Ser Simon said this was to become an adventuring outpost, I think it's up to us to organize a lasting line of defense there. I'm hoping to begin this discussion and see who wants to be part of it. Then we can talk methods. In order of perceived importance:
Two things we need and I can't speak to: A Celestial Guild and an Earth Guild. The circles are up, so to my understanding that's a big hurdle out of the way. Could those of you that are involved in those guilds in Valborough talk to your superiors and figure out leaders for the Steepfall guilds?
Two other things I personally think we need: Town Guards that can handle non-adventurer problems, and a Merchant's Guild to handle economic matters. I'd like those two things to be separate. I've seen Merchants' Guilds that were also in charge of security of an area before and that way can invite corruption of authority. The goal of both of these organizations would be twofold: to service the populace and watch against sabotage from the Kingdom of Allacar.
Something that we might like to do is establish a Library for the area. When you can research your own solutions, you become self-sufficient. This would be a method of helping the settlement prosper.
To that end, establishing Trade Guilds that oversee instruction in fields of crafting might be something to consider. First thoughts go to Masonry, Carpentry and Blacksmithing.
-Joseph Smith