Search results

  1. Willem Rivet

    Looking to Buy Arrows Next Tomorrow

    Thank you for your purchases. I will continue to produce arrows so that you may be well stocked. I am also looking into Bow enchantments and recipes if you would care to start a dialogue about how much you could afford to invest in a specialized bow. -Joseph
  2. Willem Rivet

    Weird. Ever since I started swinging 8s things started to treat me like a threat. Hmm.

    Weird. Ever since I started swinging 8s things started to treat me like a threat. Hmm.
  3. Willem Rivet

    Guild Meetings Friday Night

    Gend, While I have not yet joined either Guild, I would very much like to attend this meeting. Across the mists in Wayside, I am the Leader of the Merchant's Guild of Wayside, and may have some insight as to how to price certain commodities. I have also been given leave by Baron Ko to...
  4. Willem Rivet

    Looking to Buy Arrows Next Tomorrow

    Cressida, As long as you use your arrows to aid Dragonreach, you may purchase them from me at double Production value, or 2 Silver per 20. If you are looking to make a large purchase, I can go lean on that price. -Joseph Smith
  5. Willem Rivet

    Are you crafty? Got spare stuff? Need some gold?

    Lord Silp, We should start a conversation about armor and whatnots I have hanging around. How'd those metal vambraces and greaves work out for your friend? I also have some female leather armor, but it is on the pricey side. Let me know what you want and I'll look into how I can accommodate...
  6. Willem Rivet

    2018 Season Passes and GoIndieKickerpaloza (15 Passes Purchased!)

    Let's keep this momentum going! Do I hear 15 passes?! -JT
  7. Willem Rivet

    IMPORTANT for the Tavern

    I am allergic to Strawberries. And fun. -JT
  8. Willem Rivet

    'elp Won-ed n needed.

    Binks, If I charge you with something, there will be no disambiguaty. Can we turn our attention back to the children now? -Joseph Smith Guild Leader, Merchant's Guild of Fairfax
  9. Willem Rivet

    'elp Won-ed n needed.

    Crescent: I trust that you would never want to be seen as putting a "kit" in danger. You are, however, raising a crew of creatures that eat elementals using an experimental pheromone you do not fully comprehend. No amount of assurances will make me feel as though this is an endeavor to include...
  10. Willem Rivet

    'elp Won-ed n needed.

    Grimshaw, In the spirit of providing the kind of support Avacyn once offered these lands, I can commit to building homes for these orphans. I can build these homes myself, though in the spirit of timeliness, I will likely employ more tradesmen. I agree that picking up a trade is much better...
  11. Willem Rivet

    Winter can change a man

    Pyke, As a matter of curiousity, what was wrong with your "childish games?" It is easy to admit fault, but considerably more difficult to find a lesson in failure. My concern is that you may not have identified why those games resulted in strife. Additionally, you have said that you value...
  12. Willem Rivet

    Scroll access

    Actually, my friend made a scroll bracer that allows him to set four kinds of scrolls at a time inside. On the reverse of the cover, he puts a thin glowstick (like the wrist one) and "casts" light on it. Bam. Nighttime reading of scrolls. Made an otherwise not that great a caster AMAZING. At...
  13. Willem Rivet

    Seeking your established needs- The Dragon Hoard

    Kalith, Sure thing. I have that stuff in stock (or will before the feast anyhow), and coin is always in demand. I think at the point I had that last dream I was looking FOR Formal scrolls, but have since come into possession of a fair few. In terms of a wand, I have Enhance and Greater Wand...
  14. Willem Rivet

    Eh, I got to 60. Not bad, I guess.

    Eh, I got to 60. Not bad, I guess.
  15. Willem Rivet


    Well, that's astounding. When I get this map thing into high gear, I'll have questions for you. -JT
  16. Willem Rivet


    Put Joseph down for two. Gonna start hoarding maps as well. :) -JT
  17. Willem Rivet


    Woo! How much was he selling those for again? -JT
  18. Willem Rivet

    Voting for Merchant of Fairfax only please

    So we have Aramis, Elle, Joseph, Sam Gemglipper and who else in the Guild currently? -JT
  19. Willem Rivet


    Really, I'm looking to get more involved in uhh literal world building. I want to have maps available so my character can build or establish things in the world and know the context of the surroundings. It's fun for me. Building roads, establishing supply lines, building places people could...
  20. Willem Rivet

    Seeking your established needs- The Dragon Hoard

    Hello adventurers! I'm looking at what I have in stock before Wayside freezes over. Does anyone want anything? Potions, equipment, weapons, armor? I'm also looking to grab some Formal scrolls. I was wondering if anyone needed anything and was willing to exchange goods for services come the...