Search results

  1. Alliance SoMI

    (OOG) Who Can Read Messages in the Forum

    This forum is a public space that allows Players and NPCs to communicate and share information with each other. Anything posted in this forum is potentially visible to any NPC in the Kalinthas area. Please remember that the forums have no equivalent location in the In Game world and are only...
  2. Alliance SoMI

    Pre-Registration: July 14th 1-day Event

    Announcing Pre-Registration for our July 14th 1-Day at Proud Lake State Recreation Area The price for this event will be $35, and anyone who pre-registers will save $10 off the cost of the event! Food will be available for the cost of $5 a person. Pre-registration will also get you priority at...
  3. Alliance SoMI

    Best Cabin (June 8-10)

    Who sleeps and hangs out in the coolest places? What did you see that really impressed you?
  4. Alliance SoMI

    Best Roleplayer (June 8-10)

    What was your best interaction with a Player this weekend? Who did the best job roleplaying their Character?
  5. Alliance SoMI

    Best Costume/Costume Improvement (June 8-10)

    Whose costume impressed you the most? Whether it's a whole new outfit or a few neat accessories, who did a great job of improving our game with their clothes?
  6. Alliance SoMI

    Alliance SoMI NPC Food Fund - Updated 2/28/20 - Fund OPEN

    The NPC Food Fund continues to be a success. We were ready to reopen following the event this past weekend (June 8-10) only to have a generous Player replenish the fund unprompted. Thank you all for your support.
  7. Alliance SoMI

    Best NPC Interaction (June 8-10)

    Which NPC interaction was your favorite from the event. What made is special?
  8. Alliance SoMI

    Highlight of Your Event (June 8-10)

    What was the highlight of our June event for you? Tell everyone what made the event for you/your Character.
  9. Alliance SoMI

    Selunari Change

    After talking to other chapters at Symposium, several of them already have this policy adopted. We don’t think Selunari Curse makes sense in the game, and we’re generally not a fan of it. Effective immediately Selunari Curses must be traded in for Resist Curse at a rate of 2 to 1. This is the...
  10. Alliance SoMI

    Opportunity to Help a New Chapter

    We're happy to promote a fundraising effort by the new Alliance Kansas Chapter, who are attempting to raise funds to build themselves a NPC camp from the ground up. We were very fortunate that we had a solid NPC camp when we took over the ownership of SoMI and even more fortunate to receive the...
  11. Alliance SoMI

    Cabin Requests

    We are happy to report that our event attendance continues to increase and while that is great for our game it does mean that we need to take a couple of extra steps to ensure that our events run smoothly. The first step in this process is ensuring that everyone has a place to sleep. For...
  12. Alliance SoMI

    National Event Pay No Play

    For those of us who didn't make it out to the National Event in Colorado this past weekend just a heads up, you can buy the event with Goblin Stamps in any Chapter where you have Goblin Stamps. The National Event is a 3-Day event so it will cost you 90 Goblin Stamps to buy. Reach out to...
  13. Alliance SoMI

    Amazon link for MI labels?

    I have some labels which we've used in the past,in a box that I need to track down. I'll try to get you a link by tomorrow. Watch this space.
  14. Alliance SoMI

    Best Cabin (May 4th - 6th)

    What cabin was the best? Comment below with in 2 weeks.
  15. Alliance SoMI

    Favorite NPC/ NPC Interaction (May 4th - 6th)

    What was your favorite npc or npc interaction? Comment below within 2 weeks. The winner gets nothing. Unless it is Aram. Then he gets something.
  16. Alliance SoMI

    Best Costume / Costume Improvement (May 4th - 6th)

    Who had the best costume or costume improvement? Comment below within the next 2 weeks
  17. Alliance SoMI

    Best Roleplayer (May 4th- 6th)

    Who did you have the best role play interaction with? Who did you think do the best job roleplaying? Comment below with in the next 2 weeks.
  18. Alliance SoMI

    May 4th-6th Weekend Feedback

    Thank you all so much for coming out to our first weekend event of 2018. We're trying out different ideas and weekend formats this year so we're especially eager to hear your thoughts on the experience. We look forward to hearing what you loved and didn't love about the event. We want to hear...
  19. Alliance SoMI

    Tracking Skills and Magic Items During Game

    Kyler- Not sure what you mean by "blank." The spreadsheet as posted doesn't contain the names of spells, abilities, etc. because it is designed to be filled in by the Player. For example, Players can fill in the names of the Spells they memorize and then use cell formatting to add the...
  20. Alliance SoMI

    Tracking Skills and Magic Items During Game

    We know that as you play it can be a challenge to keep track of what Skills or Magic Item charges you've used during a battle. Even after as long as the Owners have played we still need to remind ourselves to keep track of things regularly. In the coming months one of our goals is to ensure our...