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  1. Sage of Legaia

    Jinn's house

    "Well, you know, it might be convenient if you go someplace you can't take a portal to or from. Whether they can travel the mists..." Phalaenopsis shrugged, "I don't know. They're just normal hawks, as far as I know, and I can't say I've ever heard of an animal navigating the mists to another...
  2. Sage of Legaia

    Jinn's house

    "Home is where the heart is, I suppose." Phalaenopsis said, "It's a bit cliché, but I think for a lot of people it explains a great deal." He gave Jinn's shoulder another squeeze before digging a vial of pale blue liquid out of his pouch. "If you're feeling very tired, I can make you something...
  3. Sage of Legaia

    Jinn's house

    "That's understandable." Phalaenopsis replied, putting a comforting hand on Jinn's shoulder, "We're the first two awake, as far as I know, but I could send off Split Pea or Bell Pepper if you suspect Calan or Rohnan didn't come home last night; I only heard about what happened this morning from...
  4. Sage of Legaia

    Jinn's house

    Phalaenopsis returned from his morning check-up on his messenger hawks, somewhat surprised to see Jinn staring into the woods from the porch. "Ah, good morning." he called, but his voice lacked the usual cheer. After ascending the steps to the porch, he leaned on the railing next to Jinn...
  5. Sage of Legaia

    Biata Mental Abilities Clarification

    Not a Biata, but just from reading the ARB, here's my interpretation. 1. It says it works like a Block, so my best guess is that it would trigger off of any attempt to access the mind; Mind Meld, which is the willing exchange of thoughts, probably shouldn't trigger it, but Mind Reading probably...
  6. Sage of Legaia

    Planning for the future

    Phalaenopsis listened intently to Calan, tilting his head back and forth as he processed. "I've tried using the dreamscape to contact someone, and have been contacted a couple of times through it, and it's... strange, but useful in an emergency, although if you forget your dreams easily I'm not...
  7. Sage of Legaia

    Planning for the future

    "It's better to think of them as siblings than lovers, but what they do with each other in private is their business." Phalaenopsis replied without looking back at Vanion, missing the hand gesture. He strained to hear the last bit of the argument, and caught Calan's last outburst quite clearly...
  8. Sage of Legaia

    Planning for the future

    Phalaenopsis exited the house, having placed the books left just inside the door on a table so as to remove the tripping hazard, and took a deep breath of the fresh, brisk air. It had been several weeks since his foray through the mists, and things were... the same, but different. A Sylvanborn...
  9. Sage of Legaia

    Most Sold Back Skill Infograph March 2020

    Teacher was simultaneously removed from the CMA and refunded at the same time, although I believe it happened in several waves rather than all at once? Either way, I think this chart only counts player-initiated sellbacks, or Teacher would have its own count (and would probably be in the top 20...
  10. Sage of Legaia

    Most Sold Back Skill Infograph March 2020

    I suspect because it's great for reaching XP counts for prerequisites, but there are a ton of useful Stealth Skills that it's being sold back to be replaced with (like Dodge); at a certain point, you have enough Stealth XP after selling it to meet the required numbers for what you already have...
  11. Sage of Legaia

    Most Sold Back Skill Infograph March 2020

    I like seeing this kind of data, but the skills along the x-axis and the data blurbs give conflicting information that makes it confusing to read; there are 10 skills on the x-axis, so it looks like it's a top-10 graph, but the blurb says Blacksmith is the only crafting Skill that broke the top...
  12. Sage of Legaia

    Sickle: Small Weapon or One-Handed Edged? Also, any specific combat rules?

    Pending an official answer from someone from San Francisco: All weapons are categorized by type (bladed, blunt, bow, crossbow, thrown) and then by overall length, so any bladed or blunt weapon that's between 20 and 28 inches will be categorized as "Small" and usable with Small Weapon so long...
  13. Sage of Legaia

    kind of a silly Q, but is there any correlation between race and colors worn?

    I'd maybe ask the SF new player rep or one of their Logistics members for a local Race packet (I'm from way up in Calgary), but Alliance-wide I'm pretty sure there is no Racial "colour palette" that you need to follow to play a particular Race. If you want your Sylvanborn to wear a lot of red...
  14. Sage of Legaia

    New Beginnings

    Phalaenopsis was right behind Rohnan, although he was perhaps more thorough about clearing himself of snow, especially the scarf he had wrapped around his head to keep the snow and cold off of his horns; it was his first Winter with them, and while he had mostly desensitized them to random bumps...
  15. Sage of Legaia

    Into the tavern

    Phalaenopsis grabs his box and book off the table, leaves a tip for the tavern staff, and heads for the door. It had been a long day, and seemed to be turning into an equally long evening; but at least the house would feel more complete with Rohnan back.((He makes sure Calan and Rohnan are with...
  16. Sage of Legaia

    Into the tavern

    "Well... just know that since the magic shift near the beginning of Summer, I haven't been able to make anything toxic enough to cause an instant death; even using the same ingredients as my recipes from 2 Summers ago end up strangely inert and harmless. And I didn't experiment with the aconitum...
  17. Sage of Legaia

    Into the tavern

    Phalaenopsis merely smiled mischievously in response, and took another drink. "Is this you volunteering for taste-testing, or...?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.
  18. Sage of Legaia

    Into the tavern

    "Hmm, if it's kids I think I might ask them to taste-test my experiments." Phalaenopsis replied, taking a drink, "Although probably not the kind I gave Gabriellla..." He looked at his box in thought. "But I don't think I even came close to getting the caramel flavor right, so it might be for the...
  19. Sage of Legaia

    Into the tavern

    "Perhaps the same person who hit Calan in the face? Unless he came in with snow on his face from tripping into a snowbank." Phalaenopsis shrugged, "Which isn't exactly outside the realm of possibility."
  20. Sage of Legaia

    Into the tavern

    Phalaenopsis nodded and waved at Gabriella as she departed. "I'll make sure to pay you a visit when I can. Let me know how my experiment went, when you have time." Trying to keep his expression cheerful, he forced a smile and nodded at the suggestion they head home for the night. "I'll just...