Search results

  1. Mike Ventrella

    I need a ride

    Unfortunately, I have a legal seminar in Harrisburg on Friday and then I'm heading to Philly for a book thing with Jonathan Maberry. I can pick Heidi up on Sunday if we can't find a ride for her, but I can't get her there on Friday. Anyone heading from Jersey through PA and the Stroudsburg...
  2. Mike Ventrella

    Stormbreak pre-reg for June 30 event

    A NOTE ON ROOM RESERVATIONS I have received a payment for a room reservation but the person did not pay for the event yet. You MUST pay for the event before reserving a room -- the rooms are not for NPCs, nor do we want people to pay the lesser fee and then wait till the last minute to pay for...
  3. Mike Ventrella

    Stormbreak pre-reg for June 30 event

    PC 1. Kelly Allard 2. Scott Kondrk + prelogisted 3. Dee Kondrk 4. Heidi Hooper 5. Mike Ventrella 6. Eric Gibson + prelogisted 7. Mitzie Gibson 8. Dominic Alioto + prelogisted 9. Kris Kitts + prelogisted 10. Dustin Crewell 11. Erika Noach 12. David DeMartino + event membership 13. Emily O'Neil +...
  4. Mike Ventrella

    June Ashbury event pre-reg

    PC 1. Heidi Hooper 2. Scott Kondrk 3. Gabriel Obermayer 4. Kenneth Swartz 5. Ben Engel + event membership 6. Jon-Paul Gullo 7. James Wright + $5 food donation 8. Nicole ? + $5 food donation 9. Daniel Baillargeon + event membership 10. Lily Mae Baillargeon + event membership 11. Tonya Dawson +...
  5. Mike Ventrella

    Pictures from the 1st event

    Pictures are on the Ashbury Facebook page. Yes I know it's not really Ashbury but that's where we post all our pictures! :) Anyway, as usual, only tag yourself and people you know won't mind being tagged.
  6. Mike Ventrella

    Food donations needed

    This will be a huge group of people, and the costs for food will be increased accordingly. However, hardly anyone has donated! Please throw some donations our way so we can make sure we have enough money to cover everyone. If you'd rather donate food itself, here's what we need. PLEASE post...
  7. Mike Ventrella

    Stormbreak Pre-Reg for first event

    No, sorry -- as you can see from the list, our policy is this: Note that whichever cabin is left after the others have been reserved will be set aside for the "commoner's cabin" for those who have no pre-arranged group to share space with. However, you can certainly take the cabin but we ask...
  8. Mike Ventrella

    storm break food

    Food donations are wanted, both with money (so you can get goblin stamps) but also with actual donations. Apples, cheese, snacks, desserts, and so on. Please post here if you want to help.
  9. Mike Ventrella

    Stormbreak Pre-Reg for first event

    Sorry if I was misleading. When you pre-pay I pretty much know who you are. The only confusing things are when people say "This payment is for me and Dwarfy McDwarfdwarf" or some name I'm supposed to know. Or when people say "I'm NPCing!" and I am not certain of their real name.
  10. Mike Ventrella

    Stormbreak Pre-Reg for first event

    Folks, please forgive me. I don't play much any more, but I do take care of the pre-reg boards. I don't know all your names. If you're coming to PC or NPC, please let me know your real name so I can list it on the board. :(
  11. Mike Ventrella

    Renaming MWEs?

    Keep in mind that the OOG name we use in the book does not necessarily have to be what they may call themselves in your particular campaign.
  12. Mike Ventrella

    Renaming MWEs?

    I'd like to rename Mystic Wood Elves for a few reasons: 1. They were originally created when we were NERO, had one chapter, and that chapter had a Mystic Wood. And I'd like to avoid NERO names as much as possible. 2. They're not even elves! Renaming may help that. Open to suggestion for...
  13. Mike Ventrella

    Weather reminder

    Keep in mind that it's always colder up there in the Endless Mountains. It looks like it will be in the 50s all weekend, overcast, with a possibility of rain, so bring extra clothes and socks and blankets. It's better to have more than enough than not enough!
  14. Mike Ventrella

    Stormbreak Pre-Reg for first event

    Absolutely! However, as per our policy, you need 4 people pre-paid to reserve a cabin. After all, it's the only fair way to do it -- we don't want to assign a cabin with only one person paid and then four people sign up and request that same cabin (or worse yet, request a cabin but they're all...
  15. Mike Ventrella

    April Ashbury event pre-reg

    I can search for it; what email was used to pay this? If you find it, please email me. I searched for "Tammy Caswell" and found three separate payments for $10 each for trial memberships, but nothing else.
  16. Mike Ventrella

    April Ashbury event pre-reg

    Haven't seen it yet. Better double check PayPal.
  17. Mike Ventrella

    Stormbreak Pre-Reg for first event

    Pre-registration is closed PC 1. Kelly Allard + year membership + $40 food donation + prelogisted 2. Dustin Crewell + year membership + $40 food donation + prelogisted 3. Scott Kondrk 4. Dee Kondrk 5. Heidi Hooper 6. Mike Ventrella + prelogisted 7. Kris Kitts + year membership + prelogisted...
  18. Mike Ventrella

    April Ashbury event pre-reg

    This is not the first time Paypal has been weird; either that or maybe gmail is treating some as spam? It's always a good idea to check these sign ups and if a few days have gone by and you don't see your payment here, send me an email with a copy of your receipt. I apologize for the problem.
  19. Mike Ventrella

    April Ashbury event pre-reg

    PC 1. Heidi Hooper + prelogisted 2. Kyle Spriggle + prelogisted 3. Sean Chase + prelogisted 4. Loren Williams + $10 food + prelogisted 5. Dustin Springer + year membership + prelogisted 6. Adam Cushion + year membership + prelogisted 7. Nick Corindia 8. Cole Angelo + prelogisted 9. Frank Coyne +...
  20. Mike Ventrella

    LARP literature

    Yep, but that was the closest example I could think of. And in some ways, when they first appear there, they are still considering it a bit of a game. That changes quickly, though...