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  1. Kix

    Denver Character Population Question

    :'( that's unfortunate, well, April isn't soooo far away.
  2. Kix

    Denver Character Population Question

    Look forward to seeing you at game, any chance you'll be at Castle day next weekend for some roleplay introductions?
  3. Kix

    Unique Advertising Opportunity

    This sounds really fun!! Assuming I'm in the state for whenever it happens I would love to get into this as Grunt!
  4. Kix

    Castle Day Attendees

    I'm in this! I don't have money for it, but I really wanted to attend. If you don't mind that would seriously be the coolest, I had some household troubles pop up over the winter making it so I couldn't afford this event, but I would LOOOOVE to bring Puck!
  5. Kix


    So excited to be in such small driving distance!
  6. Kix

    Denver Character Population Question

    Honestly man, I wouldn't fuss over what the town has too much, really play whatever interests you the most. We have a very inclusive community, so even if you play something we have a lot of, you'll still get pulled on mods and adventures.
  7. Kix

    Writing letters and dancing about!

    Writing letters and dancing about!
  8. Kix

    January 2017 Favorite Moments

    SO much fun - Diving around in a bush while one of the NPCs was walking around trying to chase me was REALLY funny and I'm sure the NPC was just facepalming at my efforts. - Laying down under a tree to watch the moon and apparently being missed by all the people walking past repeatedly. (It...
  9. Kix

    LOLA CONTEST! Nice magical prizes for people who deserve them

    Hi Lola!! I know that we have some very nice folks around town who don't have much money who stay out in Tent Camp. Personally I think it would be wonderful to help our dryad friend Percy. I don't know if any of the items have to be worn or if they are all made of metal. But he is certainly a...
  10. Kix

    Denver Level Cap/Registrar Story into 2017?

    I so strongly agree with this! From not only a combat perspective, but also a roleplay perspective! There were so many stories and friendships made! It would be disappointing to have those be limited to one event locally a year. I even heard people being reprimanded throughout the event by...
  11. Kix

    Castle Event Room Reservations

    Oh man, didn't hop on this quite fast enough, hopefully you're ready for some visitors downstairs :)
  12. Kix

    September 2016 favored moments!

    Oh man, I had far too much fun to list off every interaction. BUT I can try to post a handful: Friday night at the feast, only knowing 3 or 4 people, then glaring daggers at any of the kyn who dared to lock eyes was amazing!! Only one upped by a couple of them fidgeting nervously at the...
  13. Kix

    July favorite moments and important things!

    oh man, SOOOO many awesome things, I'll edit this later, but for right now I want to say: The dreaming hours, with the swarm and the stalker were AMAZING, the speaker announcing the Stalker was amazing and we found ourselves being quiet to try to hear where the growling of it had gone. And...
  14. Kix

    June favorite moments and forms!

    This game was such a different experience for me since I finally got to play a fighter, and not only that, but adhere to a code of chivalry!! Some of my biggest highlights have to be: Going into the crypt with the Marquees, Watcher, and others, blowing through the first room and completely...
  15. Kix

    Banned player

    Thank you Jesse for making our game a safe place for all players. I'm proud to be a part of your game!
  16. Kix

    May 416 Favorite Moments

    Sittin in the tavern and being indirectly insulted by a flame elemental ♥ ♥ Oh! and the Entertainers!! That was so wonderful and I can't wait to see it happen again!
  17. Kix

    April Snow Consolation Party Favorite Moments and Quotes

    Mine definitely has to be the crankiness of being surrounded by torches, then having fire poi preformed, and learning that there were 3 different fire elementals at the party, and at least one threatening his mortality. <3 <3 !! Also OMG the steak !!!
  18. Kix

    Mod Day 2016 Favorite Moments Thread

    My favorite moment was Puck being so eager to climb back down the mountain that he forgot to pick up the paralyzed Aneira who was sitting at the top of the mountain.
  19. Kix

    SoMN Schedule Dates - 2016

    We were planning a trip up with a few players and a tent :) maybe one of these years.
  20. Kix

    SoMN Schedule Dates - 2016

    aww man, I really wanted to come out for a week long event.