LOLA CONTEST! Nice magical prizes for people who deserve them


Hello to all my friends in New Acarthia!

I am Lola. I will be moving on first to the border between the Howling Woods and a town in Warchester to investigate the disappearance of a group of The Vigilant. They are probably undead and working for whoever is in charge of Dargok's **** now. Anybody who wants to go with me is welcome, especially if you will write a letter to Brom of The Vigilant about it because he thinks I am not good enough for them. You hate the undead? Me too. Come with me, we go find them and kill them if they are undead. Then someone writes to Brom of The Vigilant about it.

Then I got to go back to Bayenna to take care of all the stray dogs that the sawhoggin did not eat. I'm going to buy a real fancy house where they can live and get lots of nice food to eat. Then train them to hunt undead.

Then I got to watch the snakes to see what they're up to.

So I won't be back around to New Acarthia for a real long time.

Anyway, I got some nice **** that would be helpful to my adventuring friends here where there's dragonmen and ogres and undead and eventually the naga when they take over. I don't really need it right now, so somebody should use it. I shoulda taken care of this in the past few days, but I forgot -- you know how that goes.

Here is what I got:

I got a pretty charm that my friends in the Zesh gave unto me that casts one Awaken spell every single day.

And I got a little trinket that casts a Shatter spell every day, that the Vel gave me, which was real nice.

Maybe, just maybe, I don't know, I might also possibly have a real fancy ring that casts - can you believe it? - three whole Cure Mortal Wounds spells every day! Whoa! That's a lot of healing!... But, here's the thing. See, I leant that one to one of my brothers and he seems to have shoved it up his *** and the ring has disappeared. Could be gone forever. Could be it's actually only on his bedside table and real easy to find, actually, and he just forgot to give it back to me, which I have to admit was pretty vexxing in its own way, but, well, it's only stuff. No big deal in the end. But if I can find that again, then maybe I have that to give, too. Maybe.

These aren't even for sale - I don't even want any treasure for them! I want to give each of these prizes to someone nice who deserves them. They have to not be a shithead, someone who's nice to everybody, especially little people who need someone looking out for them. And no big rich people, because they can buy their own treasures... unless they're real real nice rich people, like maybe Baron Wally, now that I think about it -- because he stood around just handing out scrolls, and potions, and giving away his own hat even because it is enchanted. Baron Wally's on the good list. But no mean rich people.

So I take nominations to get prizes! If somebody is nice and deserves a fancy treasure gift, you tell me here. Then maybe I choose them, alright?

Peace unto all the friends to Lola,
Hi Lola!!

I know that we have some very nice folks around town who don't have much money who stay out in Tent Camp. Personally I think it would be wonderful to help our dryad friend Percy. I don't know if any of the items have to be worn or if they are all made of metal. But he is certainly a friend of the town who is never afraid to help out when needed.

Thanks for all your kindness and making the waters flow even in these cold months.
Oh, that is a real nice thought! I know Percy, he is nice. I hope he didn't get The Wilt. We could always wrap these up in bandages or something so they don't burn him.

Hey, can you believe that I forgot about this? What can I say, I got **** to do, so I forgot.

WINNERS OF LOLA'S CONTEST: I got a nice prize for Percy because he really is so nice to everybody and now did you know that he is delivering mail with the Acarthia Riders? Everybody likes to receive a letter... unless it is the letter that says you owe me so much money, pay up, or I am going to be breaking your legs. That one is less fun to get.

And then I got a different nice prize for Puck because he is the only person in Acarthia dreaming of naming somebody else to get some good **** as a prize! That deserves a treat, yes?

Then I decided on a bonus prize, and I don't know what that is yet, is going to Baron Wally because even though is a real rich guy and all, he just stands around giving out scrolls and potions and his own enchanted treasures and even his own magical hat headband thing. I am giving Wally a chance to show everybody some more than not all rich guys are shitheads.

When are you getting your treasures?
What are you getting?

I work this out. You will see. These prizes will find you.

Be good to each other, I gots to train some dogs. I will see you again in a year, maybe, maybe longer, after the snows.

Peace be upon all the friends of Lola!

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Thank you so much for your kindness, there are so many who could learn from you!

Stay warm during the freeze, perhaps we could share a mug of tea sometime before the melt.

Your waters flow so smoothly, it brings me great joy.