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  1. Idiosyncronizer

    EVENT REVIEW: "The Festival of Crows" - August 2016

    1. First of all was definitely the Archery competition. Such a sense of camaraderie between all of the participants with jokes being thrown around, all in high spirits, and having a very close contest to top it all off! The Rogue's Gallery was a lot of fun, more traps than I have seen in the...
  2. Idiosyncronizer

    Meeting with the Fatespinner

    Entering the main lobby of the Earth Weaver Enclave in Calenhelm Tengu briefly glances around the room and, recognizing no one that he knows, approaches the woman behind the front desk. "Greetings," says the Biata. "I was wondering if it may be possible to meet with the Fatespinner in order to...
  3. Idiosyncronizer

    Florentine use with a Bow

    Hi, I had spoken with a local marshal and was told that in order to use my Long Bow and Small Weapon I am required to have the Two Weapons skill and not just Florentine. As I understood it Florentine allows the use of one Long Weapon (Bow) and one Small Weapon. In discussion I was directed to...
  4. Idiosyncronizer

    Breaching the law?

    Tengu and Sevil chatted about various events at the Festival, enjoying the shade's respite from the summer heat. Seeing the last whisps of smoke float from his pipe Tengu taps the dottle from the bowl and carefully packs his pipe away. "Well, I suppose we must go speak to the Sheriff," he says...
  5. Idiosyncronizer

    Breaching the law?

    "Greetings Sevil", Tengu calls as the Bard as he approaches. He was an odd human, to be sure, but likable in his way. It felt an age since he had met the Bard in the forest during the winter months, Sevil having been the one who had told him of the Breach. Much had changed in the months since...
  6. Idiosyncronizer

    Breaching the law?

    Taking a deep breath Tengu takes a few minutes to collect his thoughts up the road from Master Isawda's residence knowing that this would not likely be an easy conversation. The thought that one could be so rudely assaulted when relaxing by the fire, and during the peace called during the...
  7. Idiosyncronizer

    Biata Phys Repping

    I can certainly see what you are getting at. Perhaps a better way to look at it would be "uncompromising" in their beliefs as compared to "lawful" which feels like a more legal connotation, following the laws of the land?
  8. Idiosyncronizer

    Biata Phys Repping

    Hi, I'm a new player, having started this year and only attended three events. I have a question concerning the personality traits that the different Biata eye feather colors represent. Do the colors have to represent ALL of the traits outlined in the ARB, for instance Gray = neutrality, shy...
  9. Idiosyncronizer

    July Event Review "Time is of the Essence"

    1. Post your favorite moments - Having the opportunity to undertake further research into what I thought might be Gnollish, finding out from a Charmed Gnoll that, lo and behold, it was Gnollish! - Being presented with a map written in Gnollish which gave the opportunity to employ the...