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  1. denise_eviana

    Deleting an Old Account?

    Thank you Peter for bumping this :)
  2. denise_eviana

    Deleting an Old Account?

    Yes, I have posted this before and Jevedor was kind enough to respond at the time, unfortunately I still need a way to delete an old account please. A while back I had to create a new account because my email got hacked. I don't remember my password to login to the old account and obviously if...
  3. denise_eviana

    Deleting an old account?

    Hey - I am looking to delete an old account (had to create a new one because my email got hacked a long time ago). I don't remember my password to login to the old account and obviously if I request that an email get sent, it will just go to the hacked there anyway I can change the...
  4. denise_eviana

    Did you recruit somebody? LET US KNOW!

    This sounds 100% accurate :D
  5. denise_eviana

    Did you recruit somebody? LET US KNOW!

    Accidental post - how do I delete!?
  6. denise_eviana

    Registration Still Open for November 19-20 Event!

    Re: Pre-Registration Open for November 19-20 Event! Sent mine in via the website form - let me know if you didn't get it! Thanks :D
  7. denise_eviana

    Thank you letter to Eric of the Soap Factory

    You are a genius.
  8. denise_eviana

    The Adventures of the AMAZING Soap Factory Event!

    I totally forgot about the flower Asher/Ryan! That was AWESOME lol!! :funny:
  9. denise_eviana

    The Adventures of the AMAZING Soap Factory Event!

    Just thought I would save people some work by posting interesting tidbits or pictures that people have been posting about this that I have been obsessively searching the internetwebs for:
  10. denise_eviana

    Registration Still Open for June 24-26 Event!

    Silly David didn't register me as an NPC! Just kidding...I am a big girl... I am coming btw to NPC...sorry for the late reply - been a hectic first week of work :(
  11. denise_eviana

    May Opener Favorites

    - Finally seeing MAXWELL again!!! - Not everyone wanting to kill Allendra! - All my time spent with Maxwell and all my presents <3 - Killing the tiny exploding trees with a threshold of 6 - finally my 2 normal comes in handy! - Alice attempting to loot me during the turtle module and then...
  12. denise_eviana

    May Favorites!

    You are my favorite. Those are amazing! I like how you got everyone, even the NPC's ;) I just realized, I am very rogue-like with my fighting style, hehe...
  13. denise_eviana

    May Favorites!

    This weekend renewed my love for LARP - I was waning there for a while...not gonna lie - Making ears for the Beeps and being a Beep! - Insulting everyone's fashion sense as Sebbi the future tailor of Adventurer Fashions! - The fire...omg I was so cold - Seamus (forgive me if I butchered the...
  14. denise_eviana

    Celestial Guild Neophytes - Attention Alison and Gandian

    I am looking to meet-up with Gandian and Alison before next market day so I may induct them into the Celestial Guild as Neophytes. Both will be my responsibility and if anyone feels that they should not be inducted, please either message me through the dream realm, or leave your assertion here...
  15. denise_eviana

    Switching Between Characters?

    Thank you everyone! :)
  16. denise_eviana

    Switching Between Characters?

    So, I am just curious, if you decide you want to take a break from a character (they have not permanently died). Are you allowed to make another and then switch back and forth and play the two different characters depending on your mood and play style that day? Thanks :)
  17. denise_eviana

    October Par-Tay!- Cancelled... for now.

    Re: October Par-Tay! Oh I love costume parties! :D
  18. denise_eviana

    Cho Ko Nu, Kendra I think its story time...

    I should like to meet this Hengin :) - Allendra
  19. denise_eviana

    Allendrah and Gandian

    My Dear Barrister Enan Bluewater, To what days do you speak of and to what locations? Some restrictions in my time and budget may not allow me to travel too far, but I will do my best. Sincerely, Allendra
  20. denise_eviana

    Event Favorites, August Event

    Haha! I was indeed unaware, I need to pay you then! XD