Search results

  1. C

    Wylderkin Racial Dodge or Racial Slay?

    I will third Dodge. I play a Hobling, not a kyn, but it's a rare event that I don't end up using that dodge for something that really would have sucked.
  2. C

    You need a House Hobling!

    Thank you, Xavic. I have been hired by another just a few moments ago.
  3. C

    You need a House Hobling!

    As I've not had any takers, I'm reducing prices by 20%! Don't pass this opportunity up. Did I mention I'll clean all your dishes? We all know how picky tavernkeeps can be. Now you won't have to worry about it! If you're interested, let me know soon so that I can make sleeping arrangements...
  4. C

    Event Schedule 2017

    It should start in January.
  5. C

    Database Updated

    I've noticed that doesn't seem to reflect database updates at all.
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    Seeking information regarding many things

    Thank you, Squire Tsalarioth and Zeth. Both of you have been immensely helpful. Zeth, as to the Earth Magic oddities, you say that land is brimming with Earth energy, making us who are able to harness Earth Formal Magics able to use these energies offensively. However, those who are from that...
  7. C

    Seeking... several things

    Excellent. I will seek you out soon. ~Basil Saesonne
  8. C

    Seeking Celestial Spell book

    Excellent, that is much appreciated, Lord Lissenstine. I look forward to seeing you.
  9. C

    You need a House Hobling!

    Update: The offer is now closed, as I have been employed. Yes you, with the large and well-established house or adventuring group! Have you often dreamed of having you or your party's clothes folded, dishes washed, food ordered, supplies cared for, loot carefully identified and sold for you...
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    Seeking information regarding many things

    Hello! Basil here. I find myself in need of information. I have been away from the adventuring community and find myself out of the loop, so to speak. I left the Ceriopolis and have been entirely out of contact about two and a half years ago. Can anyone catch me up on all that transpired in...
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    Seeking... several things

    Hello! I find myself thrust back into the adventuring community once again. My stores are depleted, and I find that I am in need of a variety of items, so here goes: I need an alchemical recipe book I need a Celestial Spell book with spells up to and including the 5th circle of spells I need...
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    Seeking Celestial Spell book

    Hello! It as been some time since I have found myself in the company of adventurers such as yourself. I too have need of a Celestial spell book - might someone lend me theirs until I can procure a book of my own? I should be around in a few weeks. Alternately, I am in the market for a...
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    Database Updated

    You're a rockstar!
  14. C

    Database Updated

    Any word on a database update? Thanks!
  15. C

    Stradyn LCO Special High Magic Abilities

    Also, hypothetically speaking, of course, could one purchase "5 elemental chaos"?
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    Stradyn LCO Special High Magic Abilities

    Is there an in game explanation for this additional high magic ability, especially for characters who haven't been around for a few years?
  17. C

    Throwing Weapons

    My non-fighter character uses them to pop a line of monsters' magic armors. They're useful in these specific circumstances.
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    It's time you face reality and stop these puns.

    It's time you face reality and stop these puns.
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  20. C

    Ceriopolis Trainers

    Name: Basil Saesonne Students per day: 1 Skills: First Aid Healing Arts Herbal identification and uses (expect this to take the better part of a day) Reading and writing Any Earth spellcasting And, one of the trickiest of all, I will teach you how to teach someone else a skill!