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    A mighty one passed

    Cyric Bane drinks now in the halls of his fathers. Mourn his passing, but celebrate his long and worthy life. M.Z.
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    A dream of Gypsie Rowe

    You find yourself walking along Gypsy Rowe early one evening. The colored flags hang listless in the autumn air, and in place of the usual boisterous song, pipes, and drums, somewhere out of sight, somebody plays a mournful melody on a simple flute. As you look, you realize the Rowe is not...
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    It is time

    The dream is of a forest clearing, gloomy and overhung with green. A single golden shaft of sun slices down through the shadow, looking solid enough to touch. It shines upon a sword,  razor-sharp point resting on a carpet of moss, hilts leaning against the furrowed bark of an ancient and...
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    Kid's event question

    Can I npc the kid's event and still pc the faire day? Or can my pc hang out with my kid's characters? I want to watch them play! Scott
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    The way of the cards

    I have been asked after the matter of consulting the cards to reveal wisdom of what is, was, and may yet be. Indeed, my people are known for this art. And even among us, Melina Viatsa, Awenydd to the Inutecat Inima, was reckoned among the best. It is from her that I have the way of the cards...
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    Awesome mass write-up

    I'm loving the write-up, but can't follow who the narrators are. Who, for example, did Teo, Maddock, and Kantril spend weeks traveling with? Can you tell us who's narrating? Sorry if there are cues I'm not seeing. Scott
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    OOG question re: big D

    Not sure this is the right place for this question, but here it is: When Tab is playing the Dark Man, there is sometimes someone behind him hurling packets (generally of elemental body). What does this person rep? Is this just damage coming from Dissonance? Is it some visible part of...
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    Let there be no mistake

    Let there be no mistake. If the town should find itself in combat against the Romani or the Besche, I stand with my brothers and sisters! If it should come to that, Look to your lives. Teovel Armonia (speaking for himself alone) OOG: Scott Auden
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    Rvenious and Dissonance

    What’s most interesting bout the most recent dream is the further suggestion that Ravenious is connected to or in control of Dissonance. Earlier he talked about destroying the fort to get some artifact, now he apparently has the scales. Dissonance told me once that he was merely a tool. I’m...
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    Vansheer, contact me when you can. Until, be cautious. Teo IG:Teovel Armonia oog: scott auden