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  1. S

    To the Defenders of our Bastions:

    To the Defenders of our Bastions: I write to alert you all to a new danger in the fight against the Withering. It has come to our attention that someone is twisting the dwarven craft of ghost metal smithing, creating spirit-laden weapons tainted with necromancy. At least one of these weapons...
  2. S

    Groupon For RI Costume

    Hi all! I just thought I'd spread the word - today's RI groupon is for RI Costume in Warwick, RI. They have woochie ears. The deal is $15 for a $35 gift certiicate. The large woochie ears there go for $12.
  3. S

    Call out for NPCs

    Hey guys, If there is anyone who is planning on NPCing in July, could you leave a post here? We have some roles we want to setup ahead of time. Thanks, Kelly
  4. S

    You too can cut your logistics time in half! Click me!

    "So," you ask. "Just how can I get my *** out of the logistics line and into game faster?" The answer is quick, easy, and will get you right back into the NERO mindset. It's called pre-logisting. It's a six step process: 1) Take a look at your character card 2) Get to a computer and start a...
  5. S


    Both Doug and I are on the hunt for good LARPing boots at the best price possible. It seems pretty tough to find nice looking boots that will also stay dry and comfortable. Does anyone have any recommendations? Thanks in advance! Kelly