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  1. K

    To Kill That Which is Dead

    Judas wandered around Calanhelm, his mind trying to comprehend everything that had been happening. There was an abundance of information he had been able to find, though most of it was all preliminary findings. Minor undead traits, brief listings of necromancy cases in the past... It wasn't...
  2. K

    No Salt Like Sea Salt

    Volke walks through the camp with intent, trying to stick to where there was a minimal chance of being snuck up on. He was the sneaker, not the sneaked. There was a pressing matter at hand, one that was not solving itself anytime soon. It was evident that wasn’t being solved by how easy it was...
  3. K

    Judas’ Jobs and Joys

    Judas opened his eyes, having revelled in the chill the dawn brought. With a hefty exhale, leaving a brief cloud of vapours to blow away in the gentle breeze, he hefted his glaive and began to stroll about the Lux. Everyone seemed to be putting on various layers, or spending more time in their...