10 % Project

Hi ya all!!!

As we are winding down our amazing season of LARP in SOMI - it leaves long cold months of winter ahead of us ... and time to plot and plan !

A lot of us have grand ideas and visions of our LARP experience - what our costume looks like and what we carry and use to represent us in the world. However - a full costume and a full “gear up” can be both time and especially financially difficult - so I would like to suggest- The 10% Project- where every year you Work on improving or advancing 10% if your gear- costume weapons , accessories etc etc.

10% is not that much but over time it can be huge if you Work on it every year! Rome was not build in a day and neither was that kick *** character creation you have in your head !

I personally volunteer to help anyone I can with this ! And as we improve our individual characters we also improve the feel of the world we live in one weekend a month! The plot guys do an amazing job let’s meet them with an equal effort on the PC side of things!

So anyone want to join me with the 10% Project?

I plan to put all my 10% into the Healing House decor :-)

Just an idea to fill the winter months !


I know Moonless Nights would like to rep out symbol (on ourselves or other places, other then graffiti :) ) If that is something you may be able to help with, would happily help contribute to cost then some. Though I know you usually have a full plate sewing/tailor wise, and could ask other people that I know are awesome too. Otherwise I believe in the yearly add to your costume concept (usually around tax return time).


Get me the image and we can do magical things

- Nette
I can start wearing 10% less
Traverse City fellow here hoping to hit up at least 2 SoMi events next year. Definitely will join this 10% initiative. :)
Hi!!! I sadly only made it to one Traverse City this year- I wanted to do more but life did not allow it!!

Did you have any idea what project you might undertake over the winter ? Need any help or encouragement ?:-)

- Nette
Hi!!! I sadly only made it to one Traverse City this year- I wanted to do more but life did not allow it!!

Did you have any idea what project you might undertake over the winter ? Need any help or encouragement ?:)

- Nette

That's okay, I only made it to three TC events because that's when I started ;)

My costume was, out of necessity and ill preparedness, pretty barebones, and it was all green rather than changing colour as the season went on (I'm a dryad). I have plans to improve the look of the character and have two colour options, a green for spring/summer and a more crimson one for autumn. Also adding some tree sprig "antlers" to the regular look. My wish list linked in my signature has the pieces I'm looking at and I'm hoping to accrue them over the winter.
Very cool!!!
I love dryads !!!!
I am a very boring human

Sadly your signature and link did not come across to me :-(

I am excited to meet you next season!!!

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Great conversation starter Nette. We were just discussing this yesterday amonsgst many of the Denver players.
Thanks Cedric!!

Honestly 10% is not much so it does not overwhelm and over time the results are amazing!!!

Always putting just a little more helps the whole chapter :-)

I would love to see some pictures from Denver !!

- Nette

How goes winter for all?

Mine has been - more busy than I had planned or wanted ! But things seem to be settling down and the new season is on the horizon!!!

I would love to see everyone’s progress on the their 10%.

Here is my progress ! Signs and banners for the Healing House in Dragonreach!!! Also healer and guardian wooden favors!!

Anyone else have progress to share? I am so excited for this year!!!

- Nette


That's awesome. Got some new clothes for Christmas. A nice kilt and a nice hood shirt.
I might have outdone the 10% since I not only improved my Traverse dryad character's costume but also created a selunari character for SoMi and developed a costume for him. When I get a chance to take some pictures I will post them, but I'm very excited with how it's all turned out thus far.
I might have outdone the 10% since I not only improved my Traverse dryad character's costume but also created a selunari character for SoMi and developed a costume for him. When I get a chance to take some pictures I will post them, but I'm very excited with how it's all turned out thus far.

Yay!!!! I am excited to see it!

A little sad I do not get to meet the dryad :-(

Still haven't had a chance to do pictures of my updated dryad costume, but I wanted to share this awesome weapon rack my stepdad made for my LARP weapons. He's always got to be busy and just doing random projects, so when he saw the blades I'd gotten for SoMi he decided to whip up a holder and made it out of scrap wood in fifteen hours flat across three days. We just hung it this afternoon.


Staves for my character Grianadhmad from the Traverse City chapter (top purely decorative, bottom one combat appropriate per Alliance rules).

"Pewter" dagger and shortsword for my character Ilarion from the South Michigan chapter.

Foam katana property of my daughter, who will almost certainly follow in my footsteps based on her current interests.
That looks super cool. I especially like the vines behind it to give it a bit of atmosphere.

