2.0 Dark Elf - Makeup, Wigs, and More


So, since the announcement of the makeup change to Dark Elves back in May, I can't help but notice that there have been almost no how-to or informational posts about how to approach the new makeup scheme. There were a few hinted at in the original thread (which I'll replicate below), but having a dedicated thread in the Art, Costuming, and Props section seems like it will help more people searching for information compared to the announcement thread. Thus, with the impending release of 2.0 and me finally getting off my lazy rear to type something, here's a ball to start rolling to help the people out there, new or old, looking to get some information on one of the highest make-up requirement races in Alliance!

MaxIrons said:
So here is a very very basic dark elf. Mehron dark blue base, no shading, no highlighting, Mehron white for the beard. [Picture attached]

Nothing special, just a sponge applicator and a brush for a quick "Monster Camp" level of makeup. I'm sure people working with airbrush applicators, real skill, and/or more than two colors could do a much more sophisticated job.

Kasuni said:
Players can absolutely mix tones! In fact, from some of the makeup enthusiasts I’ve spoken with, it looks much better!

A couple members of our team played dark elf PCs - one purple with blue highlights, the other blue with purple highlights. It looked excellent!

Vincent Tarethial said:
My plot team leader mixed purple and gray at the HQ opener and in my opinion, it looked spectacular.

Creepy/Petra said:
I mixed [Mehron Paradise Light Blue] and [Mehron Starblend Monster Grey]... used dark blue lipstick for contouring and lips as well as eyeshadow to add definition to my eyes. Silver on the inner corners a white waterline and silver eyeshadow on the cheekbones. Baby bowder and hairspray to seal...

No touchups were needed through the day and minimal fixing in the morning

Wig websites, for those wanting some different hair: (Thanks to my sister, a semi-former CosPlayer)


If you've got color recommendations, tips, tricks, or anything pertaining to the 2.o Dark Elf costuming, your contribution would be most welcome.


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I haven't tried it, as I don't have any in my makeup kit, but it was suggested by Lost Nation when we were kicking this around that using a dark blue/purple foundation makeup then using a black setting powder over the foundation to provide darker lowlights while still staying overall blue might make for an interesting look that's less primary color than most of the color foundation makeups and as an added bonus is flatter as well.
I haven't tried it, as I don't have any in my makeup kit, but it was suggested by Lost Nation when we were kicking this around that using a dark blue/purple foundation makeup then using a black setting powder over the foundation to provide darker lowlights while still staying overall blue might make for an interesting look that's less primary color than most of the color foundation makeups and as an added bonus is flatter as well.

>.> So, like, someone could totally copy one and make one appropriate for our game, but a 5 second google search for "wow night elf make up tutorial" returns, like, a bajillion results.

Which is not at all what our dark elves are, but the base layering and shading from any one of those tutorials is bound to be useful.
I haven't tried it, as I don't have any in my makeup kit, but it was suggested by Lost Nation when we were kicking this around that using a dark blue/purple foundation makeup then using a black setting powder over the foundation to provide darker lowlights while still staying overall blue might make for an interesting look that's less primary color than most of the color foundation makeups and as an added bonus is flatter as well.
Definitely. There was a player (Asura) that used a base of purple with a black setting powder at the Chicago October event, and I think his purple coloration was really great.
I experimented with a darker grey. I want to do more blending but, I think this turned out very well.



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I will say with the colors we have, we do have a lot more experimentation. I helped my group with makeup, and we had good results with adding normal makeup over top for definition. I mean normal makeup as in eyeshadows. They come in matte and shimmer, and are good for both setting and adding definition to fairly flat colors. I've also been using shimmery tones to give an iridescence to our skin, similar to like what you'd find with some rocks and lichens. Since we do spend a lot of our time below ground, I figured it wouldn't be too much of a stretch to have some of those features available.

Mine, in particular, is off some still, but we just moved, and are finding the right mix. But I think I'm going to settle on a blue-grey. But once I have it down to what I want for sure, I'll post some photos!
I ve found that if you want the best look, you have to do two things well.
1-coverage and 2-seal.

1 - (Coverage)
Whatever tint or hue you go with, for the best skin coverage and solid look, charcoal powder is a must. Do contacts first then hair then skin last. For hair I've had very little luck with white hair spray for solid coverage. I mix white cream make-up with hair gell then use white spray on top or for touch ups. A tooth brush with white cream is great for eyebrows and edges. My preference is Ben Nye make-up. After complete coverage of the cake make-up I do a thorough layer of charcoal powder(it doesn't really alter the color much at all). Last I use waterprooof liquid eyeliner for lips so they stay colored even after eating or drinking

2 - (Seal)
Hairspray hairspray hairspray. Cover everthing with it to seal it. Close your eyes and spray everything face included. Get help if need be. When you've sprayed enough, your face should look wet(because it is). When it dries do it again. It will dry matte. Ive been out in a complete downpour and make up stayed as long as your not wiping at it, you'll be good. Side note. Coconut oil works great for make-up removal.

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