I had a great time at the event; glad I was able to make it!
When hobling instincts backfire: Sadie tucking the time string into her pocket without even really thinking about it. She knew it came with them through the rift, so no way was she just going to let it sit on the ground.
Hoblings with Hats is strong style. Sadie and Murphy are a hobling duo not to be messed with. Plus a whole squad of hoblings to work with! I almost never see that many hoblings in one place.
Getting to know the legion folk better. Sadie very much appreciates you all putting up with her tagging along. Also getting instant "we got your back" protection from almost strangers? Legion bros 4 life.
Rolling with Dexter. Sadie got a taste of walking around with scrolls in her pocket and it's just going to get worse from here. The quest for all the science and knowledge is full of Good Times. Plus fortress reflexes for the win.
Jules! Sadie loved seeing you again. You're the only character who has gotten Sadie to talk about home. Man oh Man do I love surprise character developments; I was not expecting those conversations or actually opening up and wanting to talk about home. You're stuck with a hobling friend now and good luck getting rid of her.

Attempting to backpack Jules at the last fight didn't work quite as expected, but I got in my healing and scroll chucking groove and was really pleased with how effective she was.
Grimm! Was not expecting Sadie to get updated about Kupspar and her home. Thank you for those talks, they really made my weekend.
The new PCs! I really enjoyed watching you all get the hang of the game and get into your characters. I had a lot of fun interacting with you all!
I forget how much I enjoy playing Sadie. I hope I get the chance to give her more play time again this season. Thank you everyone for a good time!