24th-26th Faves

Some quick faves, I'm too tired to make this really comprehensive... But I figure I'll get this party started:

* Rp with Drak - "Dame Aara is a bad word, you shouldn't let people call you that" and "I like you better now" ;)
* The large number of "Do you know me?" ... "Are you happy?" from Aara's old friends.
* Josh giving her back the code she gave him years ago (I forgot about that!)
* Drenten's stories and the Baronial Mobile
* Hanging out with Andros & Darkan
* Daralassia and Lia - Unscaled Mod buddies forever!
* Craftsman Mermaid & Bill's fantastic explanation of how it would apply to boat combat
* "I don't understand why this code is called Arkelian, it looks pretty Kiergani to me"
* Scarn's explanation of the various kinds of elves
* Land Shark!
* Trying to convinve the Kiergani and a Dryad that they were no different than Strip Miners.
* "The tavern is dripping with innuendo"... "that's because someone let Paul play a MWE, now no one is safe"
* Rhys -- as usual ;)
* Dinner with Em & Dave - it's always nice to get to catch up for the weekend!
* The man with the Acorn hat - even if he is an honor-blooded killer

Edited to add:
Apple porn! - how did I forget about Apple Porn?!?
I thought it was an excellent event. Thank you to Plot and the NPCs for a great weekend.

My faves (in no particular order):

* Role-playing with the always fun Blythedale team (great IG discussion about court roles and stuff)
* Seeing Cedric and Team Nemesis (what's it been.... 4 years? 5 years?)
* Late night conversations with Cedric (and, at different times, Garathon and Rowan) about honor, the Code and nobility in general
* The hobling "fan" who wanted Ivan's blood because he thought Ivan was a "white dragon"
* Great late night battle by the stream against the "Tiger Shark" MWEs who ambushed us aftering killing a bunch of Galanthians
* Toddo's willingness to adapt to the crazy plot by Ithica, Ivan and Harrison to try to by-pass the plotline (obviously, it didn't work.... but we did get an "instant" mod out of it!)
* Bill Gibbs for two reasons: 1) Thanks for managing all the food stuff and 2) Does anyone play a better arrogant noble than him? I heart Sir James Logan!
* Henry Hart: It doesn't matter what character he's playing; it's always fun interacting with him!
* The always amusing Drak!
* Getting to visit both Evorra and the MWE Islands in the same event!
* Awesome mod by Amelia with the undead children..... I hope there's more to this storyline......
* "Jumping the fence" and playing some fun bad guys (I think everyone should do this once an event, if they can)
* Delicious bacon and egg on toast sandwich at 1:00 am (I still owe you 6 silver!)
* Great political plotlines; I loved dealing with Sir James Logan, Duchess Jacelyn, and even the MWE councilman who obviously wasn't pleased to see us
* Seeing all three noble teams at the event; for me, it adds a great dynamic
* Toddy's (Ithica) stories at Saturday night dinner..... just when you thought you'd heard all his stories and that maybe he'll recycle an old one, he comes up with "this one time me and my friend were in Atlantic City......."

I'm sure there's more, but my brain is still fried..... If I think of others, I'll post again!

Thanks for such an awesome event!

--- Eric Stehle / Ivan Drake
mikestrauss said:
One quick moment for now:

"Why did I pick shield?!" (in a very plaintive voice)

That was an awesome story! :)
Thank you NPCS!! And Staff, and Plot!


-Rolling deep as the Phalanx. It is always fun to have your team in other lands. Special shout-out to Steve. I really don't know what I would do without you. In or Out of game.

-See and playing with friends I haven't seen in a while.

-The Blood Tree elf mod. Henry and Toddy were beasts (as to be expected). Getting to save everyone with my blood was totally epic. Snapping the dryad's neck and then having her leaf float to us on the wind... Just... yeah... every time I feel like my character has seen it all...

-RP with Daralassia, Ithica and Riddick. I was tired and cranky but this was definitely the best RP I had all weekend.

-It's a Beautiful Slay! Beard Maurader, _________ and I are doing _________. And other shenanigans. I had a great time with my cabin-mates. You know who you are.

-The Beard-Off!

-Release the Kraken! Aside from wishing this fight went a little longer, it was awesome.

-Getting involved in plot despite active attempts to avoid it.

-All things Forgetful Drenten! Can we keep you?? :D

-Justin's undead commenting to one of his comrades: "This one is ridiculous." :D
Holy sleep deprivation Batman! I so missed elfing it up, and damn there were a lot of us this event! On to the favorites:

  • All things Ash Forest. Man I missed running around in game with you guys.

    The stupid-o-clock mod in the woods. Placing stepping stones in the river, and helping each other across, and the roleplay of washing off the "ick." It was night when we crossed the river, but it was daylight by the time we came back.

    Getting to see all this political stuff from the PC side. Wow this crap's convoluted!

    Seeing the Nemesis crew again. Miss you guys.

    Finally meeting Kialda in game and getting to RP with Susie. I am so looking forward to more of that.

    The honor of being the only squire at the Captain's Table for dinner... then being grilled by Knight Commander Logan during dinner since I'd missed the morning squire's test and realizing that everyone at the table was listening intently to my answers.


    All things Buddy. Man, you make my event every time I get to play Makani with you.

    The drama surrounding whether or not to send a team into the Gorge, and who the sacrifice to do so would be.

    Being tagged by Rorii to go on the strike team. I've always gotten used to being left behind while the big kids did these things. Holy crap I'm a big kid now??

    Ship-to-ship combat, Drenten cutting the lines and Raven punching holes in the hull. You crazy bastards!

    The three Ash Forest/Three Twilight mod with the dying dryad - fighting the formorians, trying everything we could think of to free her and failing, and Michiko's tearful yet merciful act. Then clinging to each other when everybody started getting rifted again.

    Confine storm in your FACE Amelia! You're a champ for all you let us do to you. Much love to Sheila for taking me as her token gaje on the Romani mod. Listening to the story, chatting with Derrek and putting together the history... only to run into some VERY unwelcome party crashers.

    "Riddick I'm going after her, cover me!" Ok, I'm tooting my own horn here, but I couldn't always run that fast, so I'm proud of that drive-by healing.

    All the new NPCs!!! You guys were awesome, and I look forward to playing with you all again!

I am sure I missed more, but wow what a weekend. Thank you to all who made it possible.


Particular favs:

-ROM PLOT ROM PLOT ROM PLOT ROM PLOT. Tom, you are a golden god among men. Getting so into racial stuff and actually being important to her race is huge for Luka, and GOD TOM THANK YOU FOR CHARACTER BUILDING OPPORTUNITY I LOVE YOU, basically.

-Pinkus. Nothing says "awesome" like honor combat with a drunken liar who goes down in a single shot. Poor little dude never had a chance.

-Speaking of Kris (and also Emily), TINY CRAZY GIRL. "Noooo! Noooooooooooo! *leg poke!*"

-This should be a given by now, but any time Luka gets to spend with Larien is basically the best time on earth. This event: Boobie massage song, contemplation of lovemaking between Nigel and Iona ("Ohhhhh, Nigel. You are so adequate. You are so average. You are so...so."), sobbing together during Rom plot, and serious discussion of backstory.

-MWE dice. Nothing else needs to be said.

-Heidi as Abigail was just so delightful! Sweet, voiceless, and a wicked sense of humor. Love love loved her!


-Nothing gets a girl going like Dominion marching in, dude. Even in a flashback, TERRIFYING and beautiful. Excellent snobby-ness from the NPCs, too! XD

-Getting to be on a strike team! Actually, getting to be Raven's backpack at any time. AWESOME. Things I never thought I'd end up as with a celestial caster primary: healer.

-Holy crap (in a hat?) is this political stuff crazy! I love me some intrigue, and this is just what the doctor ordered.

Basically, just an incredible time this weekend. Here's hoping for even more fun next month!
I have not NPC'd at HQ in a while, and this weekend reminded me how much fun it is. Especially with the addition of so much talented new blood! Unbelievable. Everybody really dug in there and did their best with some pretty big stat cards. The roleplay and good sportsmanship was excellent.

I think my ultimate favorite were impromptu dinner shennanigans. I felt like while I was scanning the room that by the time the great 'Beard-Off of 611' had got into full swing I was losing the room. Luckily I had managed to coerce the one beard to rule them all to get up in the tavern and re-invigorate the audience. Dan Aldi is a great sport! His beard is a great sport, too. Thank you very much for allowing me to put the spotlight on you. I had no idea what was going to happen; pure improvisation at its finest.

Tracey as Thea Airhammer, the lovely flame-bearded Dwarven lass, was ridiculous. I was pretty floored when she planted one on Delaldur in response to her having lost the beard-off. You, my dear, make epic look kinda lame. (It was her FIRST Alliance event, too, folks)

Big thanks to the folks runnin thangs, too. Love hanging with Collin, Mike S. and Toddo. You guys are awesome, and great friends. I especially enjoyed roleplaying with Collin on Sunday for breakfast. He's one of those people you know you can ping off of seamlessly.

Bill as James Logan was awesome. Bill has some really amazing roles that he just KNOWS. It's like he's been a sea captain, a baby dragon, and a gypsy wizard in past lives. That's just for starters. Also he makes a mean pot-pie. Thanks man! Going out and terrorizing the town with him was so fun. The chaos elementals and gnolls were great times for me.

Heather Marvin coming back from an educational hiatus! Congrats on graduating again! She always has a positive attitude. Also, stellar back rubs even though I am absolutely gross from an encounter are pretty great too. It was awesome hanging with you!

Dan and Nicole Lutz, great to see you two back! Lots of fun scrapping and RPing with you, especially as my crazy sea captain.

Giving Kelly treasure after I get pwned and receiving treasure back in the form of fruit snacks. I love you. Also I love that picture you took of me, thanks!

Nemesis crew! Great seeing you guys come down! JP negotiating with the Panthergaunt, then getting his name as a reference for future summoning/employment opportunities...you're a riot bro. Really great, brief, rp with Cedric. Great fights with JP and Paul during the ghast encounter.

Phalanxtreme; had a blast having a chance to entertain you guys; had some really good fights with Becca and Steve. Also, Dan Aldi, see beard-off above, lol. Dave Tengdin was back from an educational hiatus too! Congrats on your graduation as well my friend!

Leading a group of newer adventurers on a boardwalking, ship-hopping, lizard man/undead killstravaganza! The boats were a great touch. Big thanks to Props Mistress Maggie for getting that all together! She's great! The mod was really fun, too! Thanks to Toddy for the in game encouragement to go back to npc-camp and make that happen! The following rp with Susie regarding booz was lots of fun, too.

Running around and swinging pipe vs Henry was a lot of fun!

Getting to stag it up for the Ash Forest, it was fun and challenging in the woods at night. I just wish I managed to give you guys a little more of a chase by staying alive a bit longer. Though, given the time when we got back, I think it lasted long enough heh.

Edit: Drak disarmed me and Drifa stole my weapon. I got another via my own disarm and came back to fight with her. It was fun.

Glad I got to hang with Tyson! This guy is responsible for some of my most favorite moments at the game. I hope you get to come out more bro!

Watching Amelia receive her award!

Thanks for an awesome event, I will see you all next month!
Tetsu said:
Really fun fight on Friday night, one thing that I thought was pretty funny. I pinned a row of 6 people, including Drak. I thought, I guess I'll just try fighting these people one at a time, and see what I can do in ten minutes. Dee, as Drifa, foiled my dastardly plan by sneaking up from behind Drak, disarming me and stealing my weapon lol. What a bunk golem I was for not having claws at the ready. Okay, fine, so I ran around and disarmed Ashrik and stole HIS weapon lol. Then I ran back around the buildings to square off with Dee again. Good stuff.

I disarmed you actually, and Dee took your sword. And then you ran off to get another, so we were all unpinned when you got back. Pin is line of sight, not ten minutes. Bunk golem x3.

Guys things went so fast! Heres what really were awesome takeaways for me.

1. Jesse's pocket pickle
2. synchronized eating.. new olympic sport?
3. Playing the same song...and then the same
4. Basically all of saturday night stupid oclock with scott and jesse.
5. So many new faces. the new players and npcs are astounding. i wasnt that good (am still not that good) when i started.
6. Alex koziak ***. h.o.l. in training. dude you kept me sane after having not slept for a day.
7. Rp with the nobles. asking difficult questions and seeing whom they based on it. missy the rp was awesome. eric you stay so true to ivan all the time and henry unintentionally hitting a trigger was fun.
8. All things henry. rp so good after not sleeping for a day i stayed up till dawn talking with baron ryatt.
9. Npcs, you guys had me awe. please if you guys are reading this. come back you eere all awesome.
10. Its like i told folks at the convention. if you dont have any friends thag larp. after your first event you will have fifty.
11.super polite out of chapter folks! Dave tengdin, nemisis folks, you guys were polite patient and awesome. big ups to dustin for being a good guy.
12. Romani plot. an awesome mod and grims lucky to have been on it.
13. dryadnaught aka the friendship. its awesome when characters can be imitated and recognized. justin you did an awesome comic.
14. Ezri going apes*** on dominion
15. Kris kitts et all
16. Amelia getting the award. i think she was the onky one suprised.
17. Hopping fence
18. Hanging with the team. you guys rock. getting to touch back on the bond grim and khorwyn formed was really cool.
19. Grims moral vs law freak out. getting by with a little help from my friends (he didnt zerk once).
20. Awesome props... when maggie told me she had to go to the site earky to biild stuff i was thinking like a tomb etc... not two damn boats and masts etc. theatre powers go!
21. Bill gibbs. the man. the myth. the legend
22. Dan aldis beard. not so much dan. more his beard.
23. Photobombs
24. People not taking themselves too seriously and letting things just be fun

i tell people this is a game you dont play against people. i play with all my friends. npcs, pcs etc. you guys really make coming there worth it.

Justin you are without error. The awesome rp jn the tavern and battlefield powning prove that.

Its just awesome how little things in combat tie together and how unexpected events roll into one another. part of the fun of the game.
Tetsu said:
Giving Kelly treasure after I get pwned and receiving treasure back in the form of fruit snacks. I love you. Also I love that picture you took of me, thanks!

Give me magic items next time & I'll give you even better food loot ;)
Aggravain said:
i tell people this is a game you dont play against people. i play with all my friends. npcs, pcs etc. you guys really make coming there worth it.

Fact. There may be an Alliance tag line in there somewhere.

Aggravain said:
1. Jesse's pocket pickle
2. synchronized eating.. new olympic sport?
3. Playing the same song...and then the same
4. Basically all of saturday night stupid oclock with scott and jesse.

This was so funny. It ranks up there with "Check out my big move." at the zombie beach party.

Favorites from this weekend –

-Suiting up in the awesomely amazing armor Rich made for me. Yes ladies and gents – Rich (aka batman or the jack of all trades) is the one who pulled that armor together and dealt with me and my various waffling uncertainties.
-Seeing Dee playing Drifa! I had hoped she was going to play. I have been saying I was going to play a barbar and now I finally have one. I REALLY look forward to future adventures and shenanigans.
-Playing with Mike Stabley is always an adventure. I think the best/worst moments were the horrible stories Bjorn was telling of Caoimhe when she was younger…she was so embarassed. She would have beat him up but she doesn’t like puking for 10 minutes…
-Getting to hang out with Nemesis – I love getting even a few moments to interact with you guys, some of the rp that occurred was definitely memorable. And of course getting to spend time with awesome people I consider friends.
-Karl…roleplay with Shen was amazing! Going from the first moment seeing him and having a Platypus explained to her…a bear/beaver/duck/snake that lays eggs…then getting to talk and finding out he was a thoughtful, well spoken, and honorable individual. Caoimhe has found a new friend and a person whose opinion she holds in high regard. She wanted to include you in everything and I thought it was funny that it was almost like “I’m going to drag my friend around to share things with”
-The various roleplay with my fellow PCs…& getting to play a young adventurer who has very strong feelings and convictions…she is trying to figure out how to navigate social norms and not dishonor herself or others.
-The “life is hard, savor the moments you have” speech with Rhys…you made my little “wannabe Skald” really work at being a voice of wisdom and honor.
-The decision about the Abyssmal Gorge…the resulting conversations and the consequences. Listening to the situation and making some decisions to act on her convictions…and the wonderful roleplay of approaching Darlassia and then Rori. Caoimhe knew what she was doing was right – and now she is wiser for the lessons that resulted.
-Telokh and the resurrection story. I cannot express how cool that was and how much that bond with him means to her. She will strive to make the right decisions via the right methods from now on. That was a painful lesson too…but so amazing to experience. I am so excited for more roleplay and the development of the kinship with him. THANKS MIKE E!
-Telling Alorien that Ahurak helped her with her bracers…like a squire does…and having him ask her if she got that idea from Lia.

-This is going to sound really gushy…so I apologize now. The highlight of my LARP’ing career happened this weekend. When Drak approached Caoimhe about the sacrifice with the hug/embrace and the comment he made to her, I had to hold back tears. I cannot tell you how much that meant IG and also OOG. It will surely be a moment of great pride and honor for Caoimhe – something she will never forget and she will strive to continue to earn, but it also really meant a lot to me that a character like Drak was saying that to my character. I love roleplaying with Scott, any chance I get is usually a huge highlight for a weekend…I don’t see that moment getting topped very soon if ever.

I have more...but those were the big moments.

Thank you staff & thank you NPCs. Without you running around till you fall over and creating the situations for the PCs to find our way out of...I wouldn't have these moments to cherish.
Khaadijah said:
-This is going to sound really gushy…so I apologize now. The highlight of my LARP’ing career happened this weekend. When Drak approached Caoimhe about the sacrifice with the hug/embrace and the comment he made to her, I had to hold back tears. I cannot tell you how much that meant IG and also OOG. It will surely be a moment of great pride and honor for Caoimhe – something she will never forget and she will strive to continue to earn, but it also really meant a lot to me that a character like Drak was saying that to my character. I love roleplaying with Scott, any chance I get is usually a huge highlight for a weekend…I don’t see that moment getting topped very soon if ever.

You got me a little misty too. The whole Abyssal Gorge thing was awesome and one of my favorite things in a long time. I went from being goofy with Derek and Grim about cucumbers and synchronized eating to being 100% completely in character and in super serious mode.

Drak was under the impression that Rorii was sacrificing himself. No biggie, he's regenned, a baron, yada, yada. He's supposed to do that kind of stuff. Then the ritual begins and Em's young adventurer Vansir makes the sacrifice of a ressurection. Drak was kinda floored by shock, but had no time to be as Seal Team 6 jumped into the portal.

After we returned, having 3/4 won the module (the bad guy escaped, but the mission was completed), people seemed stunned that Drak was acting serious. People got to see a different side of him, which is actually 90% of his IG life. He's only goofy "on vacation" with the adventurers. But Em got to see the best of it. We were both so amazingly in the moment as our characters it seemed like nothing else existed. Those are the moments I play this game for...complete immersion. So thanks to everyone who made that moment happen.

And I got a create limited circle scroll out of it, which will be used to put a circle in our "Savage Races" treehouse so the barbarians can stay there too. Hopefully we'll get this thing built sometime this year.

Best plot, experience not only for the weekend but my entire history of this game. The Sir Bryce plot taking the sad turn it did over all, but even the messenger contacting me. The scene by the river, the RP that ensued, and the NPC for trusting me to actually carry him back into town. Just Kudos to Tommy H. for really making that plot line come full circle and closure. But the scene on the way to the river (Ithica made a good and then a not so good vow to the person leading me to the river lol) But that plus the actual RP at the river.. Priceless and my favorite thing ever.

All things Justin Cog, not just the fights, not just the battles or crossing swords. But the RP with the Good Captain was just classic and awesome IMO

Coming up with the idea, and blessed by the Barons to simply go to the Castle and try to make something happen.

Knight Commander Logan, the over/under of him and Ithica dueling was 2 lol. But Ithica likes Him and quite frankly wants to move to Evorra lol.

Good bargaining and trading with fellow pc's! So smooth and easy negotiations.

Rorii and Darlassia :)! I love the RP and mutual faith between them. From fighting and being asked various things from Rorrii. To having to actually bring up a protest and question Dame Darlassia's judgment because the code showed me i had to. Much fun RP and thanks Missy!

Michiko and Riddick! (same rp mentioned above)

Being with Blythedale is great, it is tough IC wise though, i feel like im the one guy jumping rope, while everyone else is playing basketball (while the music from sesame street is playing in the background "one of these kids is doing its own thing".)

All things Drifa and Brother Drenton. I heard them flipping out after i rezzed. Really cool to see the intense of your anger.

Baron Drake, just "First Class" IMO at all times, trying to bargain a Baron for a Squires death.. silly Baron don't do that!

More intense RP and all around conversations and understanding of Baron Harrison. Seems a little more each time we gather we connect a little more.

conversations with Leona, Alda, and Robb's wild elf. Funny times and conversations lol

Being screamed at and blatantly disrecpected by Toddo's MWE, right after we were just in Evorra lol. It was tough, but i think i showed good restraint... for the most part. It was so intense Toddo apologized to me OOC, and i meant it my friend, it was totally cool IC wise and kept IC. How bout me not flipping out? huh? huh? good Squires Test, is how Ithica viewed it lol.

Kelly (Aara), i forgot the new pc's name. But 2 games in a row now. Her character just says the most innocent and purest things at the most ridiculousness of times. It is hard not to break character.

Jumping fence and playing a crazy 3rd eye blood hungry tree hugger.

cool RP and all around combat and non combat briefing with Derek!

The RP and attitude at Sir Bryces funeral/burial. Very intense for me, hope i rp'd it well.

"You're Beautiful" Aubry, Darlassia, Drifa and New Vansir Girl! I tried to wooo like 4 women with one song lol.

The blythedale mod of the crazy fear throwing children. The team is like "maybe its the lost children", or "maybe its because they were orphans", or maybe they were this or that. Ithica then says " maybe they were just rotten children and now they are rotten undead children.."

Late night stories in the Cabin. HOnh-VAN-Tran!

MY Rez story from Collin was great, absolutely great. That plus the Sir Bryce plot that it lead to almost made rezzing worth it! almost....

This event was so freaking FULL OF AWESOME that I’m pretty sure I’m going to forget something. So be it known that if I forget to mention it, I still loved it! But here are some top favs (redundancy, woot!) in no particular order!

Everything Leona and Saradys. Leona has quickly become one of Alda’s best friends and even a role model of sorts. Any time we ever get to RP about Forest history or race and culture, I adore every minute! (Amanda and Robb I freaking love you guys!)

Meeting Ezri, just briefly, but forming a bond quick enough that we’re going to have a month of an AWESOME write up together! Can’t wait to see how things pan out! And I’m definitely going to meditate (IG and OOG, lol) on what we talked about! ;)

Holy cow, every single thing about the poor little sapling barkskin Aria, the necromantic tree/corrupted Child of Autumn inside, and all the surrounding roleplay. Seriously Amelia, I cried when I lost you. It tore me apart to not be able to help you. And then with the whole Drak laughing and being sarcastic – I think that’s the most immediately upset Alda has ever gotten with someone, and it actually surprised me that she reacted so strongly. Great IG RP for me, Scott! Thanks for playing such a unique character. I love the dynamic with our relationship; she respects him as a Forest-protecting elf-friend, but has NO IDEA why he is the way he is, in some regards… it’s just good fun!

Hearing about/taking notes about/discussing the fact that some elves were RIFTED TO THE FIRST FOREST. Omg jealous jealous jealous!! But even more than jealous, DEPRESSING! We’ve gotta fix whatever crap is going on in there, gang! (And holy cow, plot, you are amazing for all of it!)

DEREK DREAMWEAVER (And Jesse G himself!) IS THE COOLEST GUY EVER. Hours of doing nothing but sitting in a tavern and RPing into the night? That’s exactly why I play this game. I’m not a big combat person yet, so being able to sit with someone like that... It was so relaxing for Alda to sit with someone who understands her concept of time and rest and meditation, and to RP about anything and everything… I love it!!
Speaking of someone who brought Alda peace – Avian!! Huzzah for another larping musician! It meant the world to Alda to have some melody to help sooth her after being whispered to by that evil tree, then waylaid and carried back up from the forest. (Which, btw, was also awesome.)

All things Cedric Fruvous! Not only did we have lengthy IG intellectual discussions (which, as previously stated, is THE BEST THING EVER), but you also saved my (and my sister’s!) freakin butt in that panthergast battle!!! Alda throwing Dragon’s Breath?!?! SO AWESOME!!

Speaking of that – the exact moment when Lana and I made eye contact after I slowly turned around upon hearing “Shun all non dryad!” – oooooooo, spooky. So many <3s for Lana!

Oh yeah! Of course!! MY NEW SISTER!!!!!!!! :D :D :D Alda adores her kin, and Sarah, props for being a freaking awesome new player! (And Joe/Tannis for tagging along and putting up with Alda pseudo-ignoring him, hahaha… good times!)

Seeing Qualin again! <3

More RP time with Ithica! (And also some awesome combat stuff, like webbing and awakening to stop his berserking!) The RP was unfortunately cut short, but seriously, Alda LOVES finally hearing the backstory of friends she cares about! We have to keep talking in the future, man!!

Oh my gosh! Kelly playing the Hobbling with the whole “Can you hunt this problem for me?” to which our response was “Sure! … No, wait, how about we put you in jail for destroying a forest?” Lol! But seriously, every single thing about that mod was amazing, especially RPing the negotiations afterwards. And especially being able to plant a tree that grew so huge and suddenly! (Grim! I didn’t get to tell you IG! I planted those seeds you gave me! You helped Alda grow a tree!!! I’ll have to thank you at the next event! <3 <3 <3) Leona and I are gonna meditate more about these Guardian creatures, btw. Awesome stuff, plot. I love it!

Freaking puppies who give me their emotions! I LOVE ROLEPLAY. I love when meditative visions start showing up IG!!! Though it was so crazy to be so pressured/on the spot, as the entire community of adventurers watches me run around and have these crazy feelings and try to figure out what to do!! Aaah!

Oh, of course, every single thing about Justin Coggin! You amaze me, dude. THANK YOU FOR BEING THE FIRST UNDEAD THAT ALDA POPS! Woooo, destroy undead!! (Alda is definitely getting transitioning from being full of terror to being full of rage every time she sees Necromancy. She’ll be buff soon, you just wait!!) AND, all in the same weekend, THANKS for playing an incredibly amusing drunken captain that helped to remind Alda that she still loves playing games, no matter how stressful the “modern world” is!!! <3

Mike Strauss. Carpool buddy extraordinaire! You make my IG super fun with all the work you do, and my OOG so much better by counseling my life and discussing all my philosophy with me! <3!!!

Ok ok ok, I’m gonna have to stop, this is the longest list ever!! I just can’t help it – every single RP moment and intense encounter about this weekend makes me want to ramble on and on about how awesome it is, how much it helped me develop, and how much I adore these people and this game! Thank you so much to NPCs, new folks, and everyone who works hard to make this awesomeness happen!

You guys are all the best! What a freaking awesome time!! :D <3 <3 <3