4 more years, what the heck..

No, billboard. I do not. I miss the two months of pneumonia I had last year (and the hyperextension of my forearms I went through in that time) more than that man.

I dunno. Maybe the guy who paid for this was really really drunk during the last eight years, and it all made sense to him.
Probably gonna cause some kind of storm by bringing this up, but the results of the 2000 elections were incredibly suspect, and it's pretty likely Al Gore would have won in a fair recount. As for 2004, what can I say? People will tend to support a wartime president, even if he sends them to war for oil based on a lie. You manipulate peoples' fear/paranoia through media and conflicting messages and all but declare the opposing party will get you killed, they'll listen to you. And if they don't, you say they hate America and don't support the troops. Next thing you know, 4 more years.
If people claim that the election of 2000 could of been rigged because of one state. Consider this..... There was still enough support for Bush that it was close enough hence "he could not of been all that bad".

But also if there was some big conspiracy that allowed "hidden powers to be" to rig the election. Then why didn't these powers that be just have him assassinated or blown away (like SOME, not me, claim happen to JFK)

And cmon, to say he lead by misleading and fear is crazy. By 2002/2003 every comic, tabloid, and talk group were bashing Bush and calling him a liar, yet he had enough support to carry on.

Here's a comment i'm sure will start a war as well, but really consider it.... Most of the people that hate or hated Bush are very vocal about it, media loves it and eats it up, Writers and Authors realize they can make some big bucks by also jumping on it. So you get this big vocal blame game going, but in the end NO ACTION... just blogging, and book writing, and words of hot air.

I Guess Bush Supporters were vocal at times, but not nearly as much as those who bashed him publicly, yet supporters took actions to keep their man in office. "Facta-non-verba" My friends.

I am not 100% pro Bush. In all honesty I didn't follow every single thing he did. I just hate seeing the big blame game, a lot of people just jumped on the band wagon. Comics and Authors capitalized on it for $$$. Media jumped on for Ratings... I mean it was a big tail spin of Talk, yet he stayed in office for 8 years. So again could not of been all that bad. (I am not gonna repeat my post and views on the gulf war, just the fact he prevented/ended another holocaust)

People are free to their opinions and i love the debate. Well except for Michael Moore, he should be hung in the streets and then shown on pay per view, for Treason against the USA.
Seeing what the people Michael Moore had to say after they saw how his interviews with them were skewed was interesting. Very many of them were angry with how the clips were taken and their words used out of context. I know that happens all the time, but that kind of work should never be called a "documentary".
Debates like these make me happy I am an atheist that hates both sides of the fence.
As an atheist Republican, who is very vocal about his political and world views, I fail to see how being an atheist has anything to do with the topic.
Robb Graves said:
As an atheist Republican, who is very vocal about his political and world views, I fail to see how being an atheist has anything to do with the topic.

Because it rounds who I am as a person, socially and politically. I find politics and religion to be a very similar debate, neither side really "wins." I am sorry you fail to see the application, however it remains my opinion. We see religion in politics every day. I simply made a statement about the topic and myself, since I am new here.
a better way to say it would be "i abstain from politics and religion because i dislike them"

rather than "i'm happy i am an atheist who hates both sides..."
Robb Graves said:
a better way to say it would be "i abstain from politics and religion because i dislike them"

rather than "i'm happy i am an atheist who hates both sides..."

Point taken. :D
Didn't really look at it that way. Perhaps my liberal use of the word "hate" is best saved for people who actually know me and my sense of humor.