Oregon Leather is the best place I have found to get good fairly inexpensive leather for armor. It has a pretty big selection of colors as well as thicknesses and is located off burnside in downtown portland real close to the waterfront. They also carry things like leather cord, gromets, studs (the metal kind
) and most other common leather accessories including leather working tools. As for ordering I dont know whether or not they have a website, but I am sure through a quick search you could find out. My personal recommendation though if you find yourself in the the area and want to get the supplies as cheap as possible (making leather armor can can real spendy real fast) is to stop in personally and go through their scrap bins. Usually you can find scrap that is a couple feet in each direction, and if you get lucky you can find a few pieces. If Oregon Leather does not work out for you, I would also recommend hitting thrift stores and looking for things like old leather trench coats and fur coats. From there you can modify them, aka. rip of the sleeves, cut up the jackets to make bracers, vests or what ever you so desire. Thrift stores can also sometimes carry things like leather pants, leather boots, and leather vests that need no modifications at all. Outside of armor supplies you can usually find a good shirt to wear, especially for men, as well as tacky costume jewelry if your into that, and a good selection of bandanas or scarves. I am a thrift store junky, and over the years I have collected some pretty cool garb from places like that. In seattle I believe there are a number of good thrift shops in the University district, although people that live in the state would probably be able to tell you where to find more. I hope this helps.