A notice to all adventurer's

Wizard Aloysius,

Do you see a problem with Ren Suzume being a member of the Mages' Guild and also of the Barony of Nordenn?

Telokh Amdo
Splitting of aliegances? I see no conflict of aliegance. If both guilds exist to serve the people, then there is no need for argument. Guildmaster, why not collaborate with this new guild? Let them take on the task of collecting and sharing "mundane" knowledge. The Mages Guild can then focus all of its energies on gathering knowledge of the arcane, thus becoming more effective. The place for a library is not behind a Circle of Power. It is in a place open to all who seek truth. When the outpost of Fairedale was new, it was necessary to that the duty of keeping books fall upon an established Guild. Now that a Sages Guild is taking root, it can take on that duty, making the learning more readily available. I fail to see the problem. Telokh's question is a just one. I have recently joined the Court of Nordenn. I have balanced my duties to both the Guild and the Court without creating any friction. I do not see why one could not do the same with the new Sages Guild.
Apprentice Ren Suzume
I can see how there could be a conflict of interest between the Sages Guild and the Mages Guild if a member becomes a high enough ranking member of both. These 2 entities are autonomous (independent of each other). With respect to information yes they both serve the greater good. The conflict is not there. The oath taken when one joins the guild can be a problem...much like the oath one takes when they become a noble. Consider the guilds nobles. When you join there is a trial period of evaluation , much like when you walk with a court as a prospective member. If you are worthy your are asked to join formally much like with a court, and are requested to make an oath to serve the guild (or court). At that time would you walk with another court to be come a member? Would that not be a conflict of interest? Its not the service that is being questioned. Its the duality of oaths. What if one conflicts with another? what then? This is an issue for the Guilmaster and Aria to resolve. With respect to the nobles they should remain neutral in this matter, as this is Guild Business.

despite better judgment I haev to say...

The idea of a guild where non magic casting people can go and exchange information is great
the fact that a mage guild person is starting it and can be a laison between the knowladge gained by non magical types and magical types is I think good.
Im not a bright as a WIzardly type but having one of your members starting a group to gain knowladge from people that normaly wouldnt come to a spell crafter
seems usefull.

if you dislike star magic and want to talk to someone this would be a good option and would you rather some one you dont know and trust running it?

Bowin Morris
"But the guilds are -not- countries. They are two separate affiliations that still serve the kingdom of Icenia. Can not a soldier still be a soldier of the Icenian army, and yet at the same time also serve a Barony? Or a Duchy for that matter?

-Aislynn Ravenshire"


A soldier of Icenia is a soldier of Icenia. The solder swears an oath to the King. And then serves his King under who he has been sent to serve under (a Barony for example).
You cannot compare the Mages guild and Sages guild in the same respect. The 2 guilds are not affiliated like Baronies under a Dutchy within a Kingdom. They are 2 seperate operated institutions. Much like the Earth Guild and Celestial Guild. And the Sages guild to my knowledge was selling Celstial scrolls and offering wards, which is a Mages Guild function. Just look at the Ashbury times of the past and present.

Again I think Aria and the Guildmaster need to resolve this.

Guildmaster Aloysius,
I still do not see a conflict of allegiance. What the Sage's Guild will be offering is different than what the Mage's Guild will offer to the adventurer's and the public in general. The duties that I would be required to do for the Sage's Guild is different from the duties that are required of me in the Mage's Guild, with one exception. To do research, but what the research will be is different. The problems we will be facing in the coming years in Fairdale, will not be solely arcane. The Sage's Guild members will be the ones who will be doing the research to help with those problems. I am sorry you doubt my ability to be impartial about my allegiance to the Sage's Guild and the Mage's Guild. I can say this and you may take it however you wish. I consider myself a celestial caster and a sage or knowledge seeker, but I am capable of being one or the other when the need arises and to be both as well. But I think Symerille is correct we should discuss this in person and let the converstation for now go.

While yes, in the past the Sage's Guild did offer wards, spellcrafting and ritual casting. It was offered mostly due to the fact that the Mage's Guild was not being run or the Guildmaster or Guildmistress (depending on which Ashbury times you are referrring to) was not always available and myself and Cedric were there. A void was there and we did what we could to fill it.

To all others,
I apologize I should have stated some background on myself. Many think this is a brand new guild being created. It is not. There are branch's of the Sage's Guild all over Icenia. Our main branch is in Ashbury City. I have been a member of the Sage's Guild since 601. I joined the guild right before all the adventurer's were taken into the future. I have worked hard, fulfilled my requirements as a member of the Sage's Guild and done research, written books and guided lower ranking members of the guild in their research. Guildmaster Cedric feels that I am capable of being in charge a chapter of the Sage's Guild in Fairdale and to primarily take charge of the rest of branchs of the Sage's Guild when Cedric can not be in Icenia.

Aria Devonshire
Devonshire has always tryed to teach many things to people not just magics. And she has also learned alot form others. She is like few others in the way she shows honor to all ways. I think that she would do just fine running a place for learning and teaching. And I dont know how its a bad thing to anyone eles that she would do this.
