A public apology

I could make spell shield scrolls, those are like potions but you gotta know something extra to read em. But since I can't figure out how to put a heally spell on scrolls it could help?

Fredrick, I dispute your argument!

You are missing the point of WHY we are using a cure light in these situations. To get that downed individual up - and hopefully they will immediately move to where the healers are, get healed & refitted. This frees up needing a individual to protect them and drag them back to a healer. But, if they decide to instead simply dash back into battle, their not doing the town any good. And that, my dear boy is the real problem, not administering the cure light potion in the first place.

Secondly, producing cure lights consume less resources than more powerful curatives. And therefore they can be made in quantities that can help a larger amount of downed individuals, instead of only a select few!

Now, I'm not sure what all this Honor dueling is about, but I do support the idea of Gorka's box of healing - particularly when the whole town helps contribute to it.

And I personally happen to think that anyone who argues against it purely for profit motives, needs to get their bloody head on straight, because put quite simply - we need this in order to better survive on the front lines, and a lack of curatives could very well spell our failure. So it would be downright foolish not to have it at our disposal!

Good Day,
- Tazoulti Strongbeard
Master Blacksmith, Member of the Black Wolves, and Ex-guardian/Troublemaker.
Please, Everyone, with all due respect, please just shut up. yes, these duels will leave those involved weak and in need of watching in battle, but they will happen, and arguing about them will only divide our town and make us weaker. Teamwork is much more important than being at full health all the time. This bickering and squabling is much worse than these duels for our town. I might add, any further arguing against only serves to degrade asher and my honor, and I may challenge anyone who does myself.

Tazoulti, the issue is not profits but where money is being put. I have heard that 100 cure lights have been used each market gathering for some time. That seems an exaggeration to me, but even exaggerations have a hint of truth to them. The matter is not getting someone back on their feet, its the consistency of how much it is happening and by reinforcing this idea that you can simply stand back up and no cost to your self, well there is the stupidity in the manner.

-Fredrick Crawford
It has already been said the winner first aids the loser. No resources will be lost.

There is no reason to use the fight of honor to bring up outside issues. Fight of honor is needed and accepted by all in it, so it will happen.

Nikaroc (Nakira)
Thank you, nameless one,
Those of you who wish to discuss strategy or stupidity in battle, take it somewhere else. As I said, your poking at each other is far worse for this town than any number of honor duels.

Fool of a sky magic man. You act as if you speak for fighter. I am fighter. I am broken, bruised and bloody for most of market day. You see me whine? Armor is all you need to fight well. Only if there chaos do you need big cure. You sound stupid, you not know that Gorka box had big potion for towns. It not all little. You argue for no box but make box for bigger cure. That can be done but this is not why I duel.

I fight because they want to take box away. I fight because manner of decision was dishonorable. I fight to END the fighting. When I am done with duel there will be NO MORE SPEAK ON MATTER! To do so will be of great DISHONOR to those involved and can take it up with my sword.

If you wish to challenge me, then do so. But let it be known that by next market day. It will be Gorka CHOICE to do what she wish with her box. If you not like, then take your coin and get potion elsewhere. And if you do take potion that it will ONLY be used for battlefield. To do otherwise will dishonor the town effort and Gorka. I will also not allow you to make my Green Tribe Sister feel bad about being of use to the town.

-(A very livid) Kendra
That is why I said "if they decide to instead simply dash back into battle, their not doing the town any good." Fredrick. People going down in battle is a fact of life, that will never change. What changes is battle tactics. Now, unless I'm misunderstanding what your saying, that is what you are actually upset about - That our warriors need not simply go into battle and become mere pile on's to win through higher numbers of attrition, Correct?

I believe this has gotten entirely out of hand for the time being, I would request that all parties drop this subject for one day and allow their respective heads to clear. We are all allies and bickering among ourselves is a dangerous game to play in an already dangerous land. A decision has been made among the parties it concerns, leave it at that.

By my authority,
Sheriff York Winters of Shademarch
Duel term settled..... Mai want to watch and learn if in town. Dat ok?

Yeah sure, why not, there were only 4 predators in town last weekend, why not have another.....
