Thanks to everyone who came out and helped make this event happen. It was easily in my top two favorite SoMi events so far this year so far. I hope everyone had as much fun this weekend as I did; the organization seemed to favor my play style of doing as many things as possible with little time as possible between for rest. Thanks to all of the people who made this event possible. Gj, Alison & Ian did their jobs so well that I almost didn't notice how much they had done.
Soft Lay on. Allowing the people who arrived early to role play and get into the game instead of waiting seems to only have positive effects on the game.
The party guests and games at the reception. Either of those things could have been entertaining, but together they were amazing. Giggles' toasts and my "insult competition" with the spider bear were my favorites. After losing a battle of wits against something that is essential a bear dryder and seeing it gain the backing of a guild; I, for one, would like to be the first to welcome our new spider bear overlords.
I'm excited about the new developments in the army system and seeing how they effect the game.
Plot guys did a great job in keeping things rolling when I wanted to do mods or look up information that had been run by Chris up to that point when he couldn't be at an event.
Chapter overlap. The degree to which things are moving between chapters and the actions in one land can effect those in another is something I've never experienced before. This is only possible though the efforts of owners, plot teams and PCs who are active in both chapters.
The tower. Fun weekend plot, tied into a larger plot and lead to a town fight. I wish the final fight could have maybe lasted a little longer. These are the things that can make the stories we tell for years.
Having my group leave our mod to join the Dust mod as illusions of ourselves.
The Pride. You'll see
Thank you to everyone who came out, I wish I had done with more things with some of you but wouldn't be willing to give up what I did with everyone else. So maybe I'll just have to give up sleeping at events.
Soft Lay on. Allowing the people who arrived early to role play and get into the game instead of waiting seems to only have positive effects on the game.
The party guests and games at the reception. Either of those things could have been entertaining, but together they were amazing. Giggles' toasts and my "insult competition" with the spider bear were my favorites. After losing a battle of wits against something that is essential a bear dryder and seeing it gain the backing of a guild; I, for one, would like to be the first to welcome our new spider bear overlords.
I'm excited about the new developments in the army system and seeing how they effect the game.
Plot guys did a great job in keeping things rolling when I wanted to do mods or look up information that had been run by Chris up to that point when he couldn't be at an event.
Chapter overlap. The degree to which things are moving between chapters and the actions in one land can effect those in another is something I've never experienced before. This is only possible though the efforts of owners, plot teams and PCs who are active in both chapters.
The tower. Fun weekend plot, tied into a larger plot and lead to a town fight. I wish the final fight could have maybe lasted a little longer. These are the things that can make the stories we tell for years.
Having my group leave our mod to join the Dust mod as illusions of ourselves.
The Pride. You'll see
Thank you to everyone who came out, I wish I had done with more things with some of you but wouldn't be willing to give up what I did with everyone else. So maybe I'll just have to give up sleeping at events.